Yet that murdering tie-munching bastard Saakashvili is there again... for the second time in two months!
Let's remind ourselves of how Saakashvili came to power in Georgia. Senior Bilderberger and willing Nazi collaborator George Soros, the man who made billions from us on Black Wednesday 1992 and who the scoundrel Berezovsky adores and praises so much, financed Saakashvili, along with Lord Malloch-Brown now of the FCO. Berezovsky financed the orange revolution in Ukraine.
Now today, even after Condoleeza Rice admitted that Georgia started the war, Saakashvili is still clinging onto the claim that Russia invaded first! And who does he cite for statistics? Human Rights Watch, that is financed by his financier, George Soros. You should read what HRW had to say about the use of cluster munitions. They immediately blamed Russia for using them, but then gradually and quietly reversed that claim and suspicions now fall on Georgia for their use. And he should read what HRW had to say regarding interviews with residents from Tskhinvali and nearby villages and the help not aggression they received from Russia.
His cowardly aggression, with the consent of Washington and London, was directed at civilians in their beds in the dead of night. The Russian retaliation he rants on about was directed at military installations, the NATO base at Gori and the Naval HQ at Poti, with the aim of stopping his naked and cowardly aggression. Russia is now slowly withdrawing, while supporting the claims that South Ossetia and Abkhazia become independent to protect them from a bloodthirsty Saakashvili.
It is of great significance that Saakashvili can post his comments so frequently in The Washington Post which is run by yet another senior Bilderberger Donald Graham. It is the voice of the East Coast Establishment, the traitors in the USA who have allied with the warmongers in the British Establishment with the intent of dominating world finance, and both human and natural resources.
It is also of great significance that tie-muncher goes crying to the great invaders and murderers of Iraq and Afghanistan for hugs, comfort and protection.
These 'people' have no respect for anyone or anything, not even the laws they create to protect themselves from being lynched by us. They only work for one entity; the warmongering, kiddie-fiddling, raping, murdering force we call Satan.
The proof?
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