Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I've been to Liverpool today, to the International Slavery Museum on Albert Dock.

All I can say is, PUKE!

I've never quite understood Liverpool's role in the sickening transatlantic slave trade, but the museum gives a reasonable account.

But what I found most sickening is the role of our Royal family in the sickening transatlantic slave trade. Throughout the whole museum (which occupies just one floor) I found just one mention of our Royal family's role in the sickening transatlantic slave trade. Just one mention. Without their blessing, due to the massive profits, England would not have become the greatest slave trader on the planet.

But what also amazed me was the total lack of criticism of the Catholic Church! Why? Because the original transatlantic slave traders were the Portuguese and Spanish! I could not find one Papal Bull in the museum forbidding the transatlantic slave trade.

But so what you ask? It was centuries ago. Forget it. Move on.

Look at Africa today. Arguably the most mineral-rich continent on the planet, but it is basically a shithole. Yet we, the British, along with the cousins of our monarchy such as in Germany, France, Belgium and Italy, steamed in there, redrew borders to create nations with many fault lines based on tribal differences, making each nation ripe for manipulation while we stole the minerals from under their feet.

The point of the museum and the recent decision that the sickening transatlantic slave trade should be taught at school are designed to make you sick of our country, sick to the core, and thus make you more amenable to the Nazi EU.

I hate our role in the sickening transatlantic slave trade. Hate it. Yes, it should be taugt in schools in this and all nations. But let's have the full truth; that it had the full blessing of most major Royal families, including ours, and that of the Catholic Church.

But does that also mean we should cede sovereignty to a Nazi EU? Absolutely not.

Let's recognise the sickening transatlantic slave trade for what it was, a horrific blood stain on humanity caused and permitted by the greed of our elite, without letting it affect our decisions to cede sovereignty to an unelected elite who are agents of the descendents of those who ran the sickening transatlantic slave trade.

Heil Brown!

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