Monday, June 22, 2009


That's such a nice phrase : regional architecture.

Rrrregional Arrrchitecture.

But what does it mean?

According to Kevin Rudd, the PM of Oz, it is the interlocking govermental structure of nations (that word again), ie continental government, but because Australia is basically its own continent Rudd means Asia-Pacific, and because the Pacific Ocean is the largest in the world then any Asia-Pacific Union, i.e. government, would be prrrretty big.

But this is one more indication that we are being led sheep-like into regional governments which will quickly and easily be amalgamated into one big tyrannical world government when the opportunity arises.

Heil Brown! (for betraying us into the European regional architecture with a knowing smile)


Australian PM wants Asia-Pacific union
Updated: 2008-06-05 07:58

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said Wednesday that he wants to see an Asia-Pacific Community by 2020 structured similar to the European Union.

Rudd said there was a "brittleness" in bilateral ties, and that while regional bodies like ASEAN and APEC had achieved much, there was a need for a region-wide architecture to tackle the growing challenges of the Asia-Pacific century.

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