The British media are going berserk at the opposition to ObamaCare. Why? Because it means euthanasia.
Sure, the British media are suggesting that ObamaCare is all about introducing a NHS-style health care system, and that's all there is to it, so what's all the fuss about?
Well, it's all about killing people so that the reckless gambling banks can be bailed out. It really is that simple.
And that's what the British media are not reporting. Why? Because it will be happening here too.
That's why Dr Death was allowed into the country a few months ago, to flog his DIY suicide kits.
Their mentality is that if you are not fighting in their engineered wars to make them massive profits and create global governing institutions from the carnage then you are to kill yourself, primarily to save the planet, but lately to save the banks!
So we now have two injections to be concerned about; those deemed worthy of life will be injected with a microchip implant, while those deemed unworthy of life will be given a lethal injection.
The Proof! It's All True: Euthanasia Is The Purpose Of Section 1233!
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Aug 14, 2009 (LPAC)-- Lyndon LaRouche began the drive against Obama's genocidal health reform, now critics including House Republican leader John Boehner, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, and liberal Democrat Lee Siegel have recently pointed to Section 1233 of the House healthcare reform bill, on "end-of-life counseling," as an actual or potential encouragement for euthanasia against the elderly.
They are more right than they know. In fact, the sole purpose of the section is nothing but euthanasia, as a recent post by Jill Stanek and another by the Family Research Council's "The Cloakroom" make clear.
The authors of 1233 are Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer and "Compassion and Choices," formerly called the Hemlock Society. Blumenauer, a congressman from the first state to have legalized physician-assisted suicide, is a vocal advocate for voluntary euthanasia and apparently involuntary euthanasia as well. He took credit for 1233 in the Huffington Post of July 28, writing, "I know a little bit about this section because it's a bill which I wrote which was incorporated into the overall legislation." Blumenauer's website attests that he wrote an amicus brief in support of "assisted suicide" for the U.S. Supreme Court in 2005. It also links to a lengthy, grisly Harper's article of 1960, which comes down firmly for the whole program of Nazi-like euthanasia, voluntary AND involuntary, against the aged, the handicapped,— you name it!
Who says LaRouche exaggerated when he accused Obama of pushing a program identical to Hitler's T4 euthanasia program?
The other co-author is "Compassion and Choices," formerly known as the Hemlock Society. They wrote July 27 that "Compassion and Choices has worked tirelessly with supportive members of congress to include in proposed reform legislation a provision requiring Medicare to cover patient consultation with their doctors about end-of-life choice." "Compassion and Choices'" home-page tells readers to pass healthcare reform "with 1233."
The predecessor Hemlock Society was long notorious for suicide and euthanasia advocacy, and for actual encouragement and practical "help" in suicide. Its origins are in Britain's Voluntary Euthanasia Society, which founded the World Federation of Right to Die Societies in 1980, and sent London Times reporter Derek Humphry to the U.S. to found the Hemlock Society here.
it's all about killing people so that the reckless gambling banks can be bailed out. It really is that simple.
How do you work that out?
The proposals haven't been finalised, and one of the proposals was to tax the rich to pay for healthcare for the poor.
How you translate that into euthanasia in unclear.
You're paranoid? How on earth is USA 2009 going to engage on mass-euthanasia? Why? To bailout banks (which has already been done btw)?
You could do with some evidence for such a claim? But obviously you're just fear-mongering.
Yes the banks have been bailed out already, but that means that money in the budget that was destined for other areas of the economy has been given to the greedy reckless gambling banks instead (and I think that they'll need more of the same again quite soon).
So the bailouts have to be paid for somehow, don't they?
It's like your mate has got himself into a bit of financial trouble so you 'lend' him a few hundred quid for a few months, even though it means that you will have to tighten your belt, lower your living standards for a short while. And how would you do that? Cut your expenditure. Shop at Asda instead of M&S. Have one bottle of wine a week instead of three. Etc etc etc.
Trillions of dollars have to be found from somewhere, to keep the US government alive.
They're not going to pull the troops out of the Middle East and Caspian after committing 9/11.
They're not going to stop financing Israel to provoke Islamic terrorism and war.
So why not pick on the old and the sick and the infirm. Hitler did it.
Withhold treatments that have so far been given and/or are considered expensive.
And that's what's disturbing because the people running the banks that have been bailed out created Hitler!
And it is easy to have a big law that looks like it is such a beautiful law and saves the planet etc, but buried in that law is a small clause or two that actually carries alot of power.
And if you want an example the Patriot Act I was hardly read by anyone before it was passed.
But you've done nothing to show a link between bailing out banks and killing people.
You said "it really is that simple".
Where's the simple connection?
Stop playing games and engage your brain.
Where does America get its money from? The Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve creates money out of nothing, but it can only create so much money. But what money it could create in the last year has gone to bail out the banks instead of financing government (paying wages etc), infrastructure development, etc.
So how can the US government finance itself this year? Exactly as over here in the UK; cuts.
Cuts in services.
Why have the banks been bailed out so quickly yet in the proposal for ObamaCare there is a panel of experts to decide which medical treatments are unnecessary?
It's so simple; euthanasia.
And why would Doctor Death be allowed to enter this country to flog his DIY suicide kits? Because like in America we've bailed out the banks, and to pay for that we will have cuts.
The weakest of society are the easiest to pick on to save money; the elderly, the infirm, the handicapped. Hitler recognised that and implemented the T4 program which developed into the racial hygiene program and the holocaust.
And who financed that? The Rockefellers.
And who part owns the The Federal Reserve? The Rockefellers.
And who did the Federal Reserve bail out? The Rockefellers via JP Morgan Chase.
Euthanasia runs in the family.
As I said, if you're not fighting and dying in their engineered wars to create world government in the form of the UN in the carnage then you're supposed to save the planet and the banks by killing yourself.
hmmm. do you really believe all that? I guess you do. I don't think you've proven anything at all, but there we are.
Yes I do believe that, and you would if you read my website, but you'd rather run off back to whoever.
Bye bye.
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