Friday, October 23, 2009


Just over two years ago Question Time invited a certain guest called Boris Berezovsky to sit on its panel. He agreed, and was given over half the show to answer very biased questions on Russia to which he gave answers that were very critical of Russia. About the same time he was also interviewed by the BBC on Hardtalk for a half hour and was asked similar questions and gave similar answers.

i.e. the BBC gave a pro-London anti-Russia member of the Russian exile elite approximately one hour to provoke and anger Russia with his comments.

Last night the BNP leader Nick Griffin was controversially invited onto the Question Time panel. I missed it, but it appears to me from reading and listening to post-airing media articles that it was a 'get the BNP' show.

I am not a member of the BNP nor do I intend to join, but they do have some policies that I could well imagine driving the same dark forces that manipulated Berezovsky and his questions to trick, and I use that word deliberately, Nick Griffin into sitting on the panel to answer qestions about himself and his party's extreme views rather than current affairs. Several members of the audience who were interviewed after the programme expressed their concern and disappointment at not being able to ask the panel about current affairs such as Afghanistan, bankers bonuses, MPs not repaying expenses etc.

I went to the BNP website this morning and read that the BNP wants, amongst other policies;
British jobs for British workers (didn't Bailout Brown say that?)
Say NO to a Federal Europe
Bring British soldiers home from Afghanistan
Put British workers before the banks

It is not coincidence that questions to the panel did not address these points.

All this talk by the BNP of Britishness is bollocks. It is racist. We were once the greatest slave trading nation in the world for a long time as we developed the Americas. And we've probably murdered more people through colonisation than all the wars between other nations put together. So to talk of being proud of being British is sick.

But the BNP are talking of policies that the ordinary white working class man and woman who has had enough want to hear, because they have been well and truly fcukt. Lied to and fcukt good and proper, and the mainstream parties have lost credibility because they have all been caught with their fingers in the till with the MPs expenses farce.

And the BBC does not have a leg to stand on when it comes to undue media bias. It fully supported the slaughter of Gaza in the New Year, and covers celebrity weddings with more journalism than it does for Bilderberg meetings.

So with its past record with Berezovsky and the lack of coverage of current affairs last night I would say Griffin was stitched up, and the reason is because the BNP wants us out of Europe and Afghanistan and is outraged by the behaviour of the banks and their complete lack of concern for the conditions of the British economy and its workers.

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