Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Motormouth Gideon Rachman has today written in the FT the purpose of the EU. It is as I and many others suggest simply a stepping stone to world government. But despite Rachman's alleged mastery of history he does not identify the real beneficiaries of this movement.

Rachman states,
Jean Monnet, the founding father of the EU, believed that European unity was “not an end in itself, but only a stage on the way to the organised world of tomorrow”. His successors in Brussels make no secret of the fact that they regard the Union’s brand of supranational governance as a global model.

[source : FT 06/10/2009 Europe’s plot to take over the world]

Again, Rachman's grasp of history, despite his first class degree in the subject from Cambridge, escapes him.

Monnet alone did not create the EU. He was one small but important cog in the creation and development of the EU. Finance and support for the EU came from the USA in many forms, primarily the CIA who were terrified of the encroachment of the USSR into Europe, and private sources such as from the Rockefellers. The question as to how and why the USSR was permitted to encroach so deep into Europe is covered on my website; it was all part of the three-world-war plan of Albert Pike.

Rachman fails to mention that the very concept of the EU was agreed upon at the 1955 Bilderberg meeting, run and financed by the Rockefellers. Although Monnet did not attend Bilderberg himslef (unlike Rachman) he did mix and hang around with the Bilderberg crowd.

Rachman seems to be very very happy with the Lisbon Treaty, joyful, ecstatic, displaying unbounded love for the document that takes us one step closer to global tyranny by the bastards who financed and engineered WW1, WW2, the Holocaust and the major tyrants of the 20th century.

For those who still do not understand what is going on today, our money supply is controlled by a bunch of satanist warmongering kiddie-fiddling megalomaniacs who have abused the God-like power to create trillions of money out of nothing to not finance a stable and growing economy for us all but instead financed movements such as Nazism, Communism and Zionism. They first created global chaos in WW1 to grab Palestine from the Ottomans. They then created and manipulated the Nazis and the Communists into a second world war, allowing the Holocaust to occur so that after WW2 global Jewry would demand Palestine as a Jewish homeland as shelter from a cruel world, and also formed world governing institutions such as the UN. They then used the ultra-Zionist mentality to create a barbaric Israel which together with the anger caused by mass Jewish immigration into Palestine has made the Middle East the focus of war and terror that it is. That conflict is primed to detonate WW3, and has been for years (which is why I suspect they are well behind in their plans).

It hasn't happened yet, but they haven't given up.

The idea is to form continental unions such as the EU, the African Union and the North American Union to assume national sovereignty, and then to blow up the Middle East via a Zionist v Arab war over something, e.g. nukes, and after that war then bring the continental governments such as EU and AU all together into one big happy global tyrannical dictatorship run behind the scenes (or even perhaps overtly) by the bastards who engineered the chaos and destruction in the first place.

And I accuse Gideon Rachman of gross professional misconduct in not informing you of this, or at the very least not reporting on Bilderberg.

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