Wednesday, May 26, 2010


If it's not the IMF demanding severe austerity then it's the OECD!

Public spending cuts and tax rises in advanced economies are required by next year at the latest to deal with “very unfavourable government debt dynamics”, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development warned on Wednesday.

In its twice-yearly Economic Outlook, the Paris-based international organisation for advanced economies also saw the need for interest rates in the US, UK and Canada to start rising by the end of the year, as the world economic recovery continues.

Calling for urgent action in both fiscal and monetary policy in unusually strident language, the OECD worried that the market turmoil of recent weeks in response to the Greek sovereign debt crisis risked spreading if governments failed to get a grip on their budgets and central banks delayed normalisation of interest rates unnecessarily.

[source : OECD urges tax rises and spending cuts, FT 25/5/2010]

The OECD was established as part of the Marshall Plan. The Marshall Plan was named after George Marshall. He was appointed by FDR as US Army Chief of Staff from the rank of General with no combat experience, above many more experienced US Army Major-Generals and Brigadiers with who had much more combat experience. Marshall repaid his benefactor FDR by not alerting Pearl Harbor to the Japanese Navy rapidly approaching them after FDR had provoked Japan into attacking the USA as suggested by Winston Churchill. After the horror of the provoked Pearl Harbor attack Churchill, FDR and Marshall got the USA into WW2.

By proving himself thus to the warmongers, after WW2 Marshall was given the job of managing the reconstruction of Europe after the warmongers had spent decades engineering BOTH the Nazis and Communists in preparation for another world war, one that the USA would fight in for much longer than it had in WW1. You see, even though Wilson had dragged the USA into WW1, 3000 miles away in Europe, after the contrived sinking of The Lusitania AND then proposing The League of Nations AND then touring the USA to promote the LoN, the USA did not vote to join the LoN. So the CFR was created, to drag the USA into a world government, and Marshall joined.

As part of the Marshall Plan the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) was created, which began to work towards creating the European Free Trade Area, which has since become the EU that we all know and love with all our heart and soul, don't we? The OECC eventually became the OECD.

And now here it is demanding severe austerity. NB it is not demanding prosecution of any bank or banker for completely fucking the world up, but is instead demanding severe austerity in the form of slashing public spending and raising taxes.

Oh thank you, OECD! Thank you! Fuck you! Thank you! Fuck you!...

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