Wednesday, December 01, 2010


I am horrified at BBC Radio 5 Live this morning. The Victoria Derbyshire Show has this morning looked at the case of Tony Nicklinson. Tony has locked-in syndrome, and he and his wife Jane are campaigning for a change in the law so that Jane can assist Tony to commit suicide without Jane being prosecuted for murder.

The main reason why Tony wishes to commit suicide is that he believes his quality of life is so low that he thinks it is not worth living.

With the savage cuts in public finances in the pipeline, as a consequence of the reckless behaviour of the banks that financed and collaborated with the Nazis, specifically J P Morgan Chase and the cabal of banks controlled by Bilderberg and the Rothschild Inter Alpha Group, there will be growing pressure on the aged, the infirm, the weak, the sick and the disabled to feel that either (1) they are a burden, or (2) their quality of life is so low that they will wish to leave this world. For the Nazi bankers who caused this financial crisis, this would be heaven.

There is an obvious campaign to drastically reduce human population. You saw it in that sicko video produced for 10:10 by Tony Curtis; anyone who disagreed with the bogus theory of manmade global warming is fair game for blowing up without trial. The Nazi green movement is financed by the same banks and bankers who caused the current financial crisis.

But how can these banks and bankers cause so much chaos, and finance whatever political movement they want to achieve their tyrannical dictatorship over a drastically reduced microchipped human population? Because they can create money out of nothing, out of thin air, and we as a sovereign nation cannot and do not! Thus we are servants to the lenders.

So why does the Victoria Derbyshire Show not address this simple question of who controls our money supply, and then look at the campaign of Positive Money who wish to change the law so that we, this quasi-sovereign nation of the United Kingdom, creates its own money instead of depending on megalomaniac Nazi bankers, who have clearly shown that they are unworthy of the power of creating money out of nothing.

By creating our own money, we as a nation would have so much more money to spend on developing our nation, and also providing much better health care. We will never achieve utopia, but we would have a much better nation, one to be proud of, instead of this shithole.

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