Tuesday, May 22, 2012


The OECD today suggests Eurobonds.
Firm fiscal discipline and successful consolidation provide the background conditions for additional measures towards the establishment of a "growth compact". Such measures could include: i) issuance of new jointly guaranteed government bonds to help recapitalise banks and enhance credit availability; ii) increasing jointly guaranteed resources available for the European Investment Bank to fund infrastructure projects; iii) such moves could pave the way to a broader issuance of euro-bonds; iv) redirecting available structural fund resources toward more growth enhancing allocations; and v) a decisive acceleration of single market integration promises to be a major source of growth.
[source : OECD Economic Outlook May 2012]

In other words, Eurobonds with more and faster integration.

Everybody but Merkel and Schauble want Eurobonds, but Merkel and Schauble will agree only if there is more and faster integration.

Isn't this what all the Eurocrats want?

Isn't this what Soros has been saying?

Not that I am supporting Soros' position.

But doesn't all this panicmongering and scaremongering have an aim? Are we all being led up the European garden path?

We have to ask why certain things have occured over the last 100 years or so.

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