Wednesday, August 15, 2012


The UN has today released a report into atrocities and crimes committed in Syria. One massacre covered is Houla.

The Houla massacre occured just days before a vote at the UN Security Council, which if passed would have meant NATO bombing Syria like it did Libya last year. Tens of thousands of civilians were bombed to bits in Libya by the accurate NATO bombs.

The UN report boasts of many statements from witnesses, but fails to mention that the statements were taken over the phone, from Europe not Syria, and taken from FSA members.

But I addressed the absurdity of the allegation made against the Syrian military at Houla; that just before a vote at the UN Security Council, Shabiha entered the confirmed FSA stronghold of Houla and were able to stroll through Houla in broad daylight, in fatigues, unimpeded by the FSA, and for some unexplained reason decided to slaughter pro-Assad families (there were many narratives, including that there was one big attack, or that the shabiha attacked after prayers and then came back later at night, as one child under pressure related). It was later admitted by Alex Thomson of Channel 4, who had fallen for the FSA bullshit about the Shabiha in Houla, that the FSA, aka Hague's Heroes, had tricked him and deliberately sent him into no-mans-land to get killed.

The simple fact is that terrorists killed pro-Assad families at Houla and Hague's Heroes, the FSA, covered up for the terrorists and may well have dug up corpses of children to make the massacre look even worse than it was!

Hagues' Heroes, eh.

And Hague last week gave his heroes some more help with a £5 million bung for 'non-lethal' assistance.

How about £5 million for helping out those many 'dumb stupid animals', as Kissinger calls them, who have been injured while unwittingly protecting the opium in Afghanistan?

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