Monday, September 02, 2013


If Romney had won we would have bombed Syria by now.

If Romney had won we would be bombing Syria by now.

If Romney had won we would be bombing Syria very soon.

They did 9/11 to instigate a series of wars, first Afghanistan for the opium, then the Ziowars on Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon as per A Clean Break, which later expanded into the plan for war on seven nations in five years.

They did 9/11 killing 3000 on the day, and God only knows how many afterwards.

They did 9/11 and were caught dancing, arrested in their vans, held and questioned but oh so quietly released to scuttle back to their homeland where live on TV they admitted being in New York to record the event.

They did 9/11 expecting to have conquered The Middle East years ago.

But it has all gone wrong. Syria has resisted, Obama was re-elected and has stalled.

They are panicking. It is not just Obama. There is a strong anti-war movement all over the world, strong in emotion and strong in numbers.

Romney was supposed to win last year.

If only Romney was in The White House...

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