Saturday, March 08, 2014


NATO must love the following:
Owen Jones
Craig Murray
Washington's Blog

All three of these are currently exhibiting Russophobia of a despicable nature.

Let me remind these three of exactly what is, and has been, going on in Syria.

Syria has been invaded by an army of cutthroat Jihadis sponsored by Saudi Arabia. This is due to an agreement reached in 2007 between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia, and no doubt under orders of this Disunited Fascist Queendom. These cutthroats have massacred whole villages of men, women and children; slit their throats; put a bullet through their heads. These cutthroats have decapitated Syrian Arab Army soldiers, priests, civilians. These cutthroats have kidnapped and murdered hundreds of children and their parents. This latter act was done under orders of Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who last summer went to threaten Putin; dump Assad or hell on earth will be unleashed in Syria. Putin declined this lovely offer. On 21st August hell on earth was unleashed in Syria, at Ghouta. NATO media went berserk demanding war.

Only one man stood between the warmongers and Syria; Putin.

If Putin had not averted war last year cutthroat Jihadis would now be in control of Syria, exacting all manner of medieval justice against all those who opposed them. But as it is, The Syrian Arab Army is on the verge of a glorious victory.

Hence this NATO-sponsored violent fascist coup in Ukraine.

This war on Syria did not begin in the spring of 2011, when The (fake CIA sponsored) Arab Spring kicked off.

This war on Syria did not begin on 11th September 2001, when the Israeli/Saudi axis of evil ran 9/11 to kick off a series of wars later revealed to General Wesley Clark.

This war on Syria began on 14th May 1948.

And the war on Putin began when he kicked the Jewish oligarchs out of Russia, and jailed those who stayed, like Rothschild gimp Mikhail Khordokovsky.

One such oligarch was Boris Berezovsky, who was given a whole BBC Question Time and several interviews in The Guardian to rant against Putin and Russia, threatening a violent revolution.

To smear Putin, he was accused as the murderer of Alexander Litvinenko. The British government says it has the slam dunk evidence that the Russian state under orders of Putin did it. But so far we have seen nothing. Last year would have been the perfect opportunity to reveal that evidence, to embarrass Putin into dumping Assad, but instead hundreds of Syrian children and their parents were murdered at Ghouta. And now we see American planes and destroyers rushing to East Europe, risking war, when all the British government could do is reveal the evidence it has regarding the death of Litvinenko. Bu no. At every opportunity the evidence, if it exists at all, is kept secret.

So let's first look at Murray.

Murray mocks Putin in Putin’s Victorious Defeat. Murray acknowledges that something smells a bit fishy about recent events in Kiev, with comments such as,
"It is undoubtedly true that the United States and its allies funded various pro-western groups in the Ukraine – my friend Ray McGovern, former senior CIA, put a figure of US$100 million on it, and he should know."
, and
"Undoubtedly pro-western groups financed by the US and others played a part in the anti-Yanukovich movement. They may have had a catalytic role, but that cannot detract from the upswell of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians who were not paid by the West, and drove Yanukovich from power."
, and
He has gained Crimea, but lost the other 95% of the Ukraine, over which one month ago he exercised a massive political influence.

First, Victoria Nuland has confessed that the USA has spent over $5 billion on regime change in Ukraine, in addition to the billions spent by Nazi collaborator George Soros and Boris Berezovsky.

Second, Yanukovich was not driven from power by an upswell of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians. Yanukovich had reached a deal and a truce with the Maidan protesters, but it has now been revealed, as suspected, that the fascists hired snipers to shoot people dead, destabilise the whole situation and take advantage of the outrage from the deaths from their sniping, which they did by again invading government buildings, etc.

Third, Murray could be suggesting that Putin ran the whole coup but failed so he is now grabbing Crimea. There is no mention that Crimeans asked for Russian protection from the neo-Nazi thugs who just ousted a legitimately elected government.

Lest we forget, Owen Jones supported Jeremy Scahill in his very personal but very public dirty war against Mother Agnes Marian last November to get her kicked off the Stop The War Conference list of speakers. Jones lumps Russia in with the USA and Great Britain:
That’s not a cop-out from solidarity. Democracy, human rights and peace are universal, global causes. They are continually threatened by Great Powers. That is why all of us – whether in Moscow, London, Beijing or Washington – need to fight for a new global order that prevents Great Powers simply throwing their weight around. An old cause, yes: but all of our futures depend on it.

Again, the suggestion is that Russia is only acting in Crimea to save its empire. Jones makes no mention of Syria, that NATO forces are running the cutthroat Jihadis in Syria, that Russia is the only nation stopping a UN-sanctioned war on Syria, and that Russia's shortest direct naval route to Syria is out of Sevastopol in Crimea.

And as for Washington's Blog, the same approach is taken in Obama and Putin: Liar’s Poker.

None of the above mention:
1. that Russia is the main supporter of Syria against the Saudi-backed cutthroat Jihadis;
2. that Russia has submitted evidence to the UN that the rebels used chemical weapons at Khan al Assal;
3. that Saudi Prince Bandar threatened Putin with unleashing hell in Syria;
4. that Bandar also threatened to unleash hell on Sochi;
5. that the bombings in Volgograd and the threats from Bandar diverted Russian intelligence from Ukraine;
6. that NATO politicians supported a violent fascist coup in Ukraine so that now Hitler-worshipping thugs are in power and demanding nuclear weapons to threaten Russia.

We should all pray that Crimea votes to join Russia, otherwise the real terrorists who ran 9/11 win. The real terrorists who planned and executed the wars on Iraq, Lebanon and Libya win.

Because if Russia loses that port in Sevastopol in Crimea then Syria will fall to the Jihadis.

And the bloodlust in Syria will have only just begun.

And after that?


So pray that Crimea votes to join Russia next weekend.

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