Sunday, April 24, 2016


As promised, Tarpley has begun to demolish Andrew Jackson, the slaveholding, slavery-loving, slave-beating, backstabbing traitor.

In this week's World Crisis Radio, Tarpley devotes the last 10 minutes or so to give a brief overview of Jackson.

But expect much more in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, you can download and read How Andrew Jackson Destroyed the United States.

Or read Overturning the Myth of Andrew Jackson.

Why is it so important that we get Jackson right? Because he is at the heart of 'conspiracy theory'. The two major conspiracy theory books, The Creature from Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin, and Secrets from the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins, both portray Jackson as a good guy who slew the bankers. But the opposite is true!! He was a bad guy, a major slaveholder, on the edge of British operations against the United States, and arguably the Godfather of the Confederacy and the US Civil War through his destruction of the Second Bank of the United States which left the South unindustrialised and dependent on slavery, and the forced removal of the five civilised tribes from soon-to-be Confederate states so that planters could build plantations to be worked by slaves.

And not forgetting that it was Jackson who gave the Rothschilds their big break when he appointed them as agents for the United States in Europe.

We can also ask: why would a major slaveholder like Jackson believe in small government, and also think that banks were evil while slavery wasn't evil?

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