Tuesday, October 17, 2017


What do you notice about this plot of the DJI tweeted by Bomber Trump?

Yep. Since about the middle of May the DJI has been on the rise. Before then, a small rise had stabilised.

So what could have happened to generate this big rise?

Trump's treason in Riyadh!

Trump came to power acccusing the Saudis of 9/11 and hinting he would release the infamous 28 pages. But what he did instead was fly to Riyadh, agree a $350 billion weapons and defence deal, and forged an 'anti-terror' alliance with the Saudis (who did 9/11 and unleashed the Jihadis) against Iran (who didn't do 9/11 and is fighting the Jihadis). Shortly after the $350 billion deal was announced, Boeing reported that they expected to get about $50 billion of the $350 billion. In other words just one corporation, a member of the military-industrial complex, is expecting to get one seventh!

The profile of the DJI closely follows the share price of Boeing: a short rise between New Year to March; then a stagnant period until May; but after May (when Trump flew to Riyadh) both the DJI and Boeing have been flying!

So Trump's treason in Riyadh has fuelled the overall rise of the DJI.

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