Friday, October 19, 2018


On 9/11 4 civilian passenger planes were allegedly hijacked. Two were then allegedly flown into the WTC, one allegedly flown into the Pentagon and the other allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania. This act of terror was blamed on Muslim terrorists controlled by a Muslim terrorist in Afghanistan.

So the USA went to war in Afghanistan. And then in Iraq. Then in Libya. And then in Syria. And soon Iran (Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ is subtly pushing the propaganda for this and deleting his articles against war on Iran). All of whom had nothing to do with 9/11.

Turns out that those wars were planned years if not decades ago.

For 17 years the USA has been at war since 9/11.

It is estimated that $5 trillion, maybe $6 trillion, maybe more, has been spent on those wars, the so-called Global War on Terror.

And for what? For who?

Now, you would think that during those 17 years U S Military Intelligence would be on the hunt for any clue as to why the U S Military has been at war for so bloody long, if they had half a brain cell?

Seventeen years to scour the internet, in particular Youtube, for evidence, theses, ideas, no matter how small? Just go to the Youtube main page, type into the search tab "9/11" and see what comes up?

Sure, there would be a load of shit. But 17 years is plenty of time to filter out that shit.

But 17 years is also a long time to filter out those large nuggets of gold.

Gold like Christopher Bollyn.

Bollyn is, in my opinion, very, very close to exposing the full genocidal plan of 9/11 in great detail. He has all but solved 9/11. Details. More details. Even more details. It's 99% all there.

9/11 was not just a false flag terror attack to kick off a series of wars to benefit Israel. It was also done to destroy mountains of evidence of financial crime and fraud involving trillions of dollars.

So why have U S Military Intelligence:
1. pretended to not have watched Bollyn's videos on Youtube or read his books?;
2. and if they have then why have they not instructed their agents Alex Jones and Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ to get Bollyn on Infowars, and inform merchant of death Bomber Drumpf to dump Israel asap?


There is only one.

U S Military Intelligence is in bed with Israel, and Infowars sold out to these warmongers.

Thousands dead on 9/11. Terror. Fear. War. Beheadings. Millions dead.

Infowars sold out to this network.

And for what?

Free tranny porn and a fake promise of power?


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