Thursday, January 17, 2019


In 2014 Israel murdered 500 children in Gaza.

Anti-Christ produced a short video criticising infanticidal Israel, but not really slagging infanticidal Israel off like he slags off leftists, mooslims and immigrants.

While Israel was slaughtering children in Gaza in 2014, in Canada a Zionist called Ezra Levant organised a rally in support of Israel's infanticide. Levant runs Rebel Media.

So come 2016 you would have thought that Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ would have had a go at Levant when the two met over t'interweb. But he didn't. He instead fell in love with Levant. Jokes. Smiles. Lingering lustful looks into each other's eyes. They both promoted U S Military Intelligence asset Trump as POTUS. Levant appeared on U S Military Intelligence asset Infowars. Jud-a$$ appeared on Zionist Rebel Media.

Rebel Media employed Mossad agent Tommy Robinson as the Shillman Fellow.

Mossad agent Robinson and U S Military Intelligence Watson are now working to get Robinson installed as leader of UKIP, which is very pro-Brexit.

Levant has tweeted the latest vid by Anti-Christ Jud-a$$.

And Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ has of course re-tweeted Levant's tweet.

A tweet by Levant on your vid should be a badge of shame not honour. Levant organised a rally in support of Israel's infanticide in 2014.

500 children in Gaza. Slaughtered. Terrorised. Many more maimed. Homeless.

Levant loves it.

And so apparently does Anti-Christ Jud-a$$.

Here's Levant's tweet re-tweeted by Anti-Christ Jud-a$$.

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