Monday, February 03, 2020


The Zionists created the Nazis to scare German Jews into migrating to Palestine. That didn't work as well as the Zionists hoped. So in the late 1930s the Zionist hierarchy recognised the need for the deaths of millions of Jews that could be used as emotional blackmail and to convince world Jewry that a Jewish homeland in Palestine was the only safe place for them in a cruel and harsh world.

Such a genocide against the Jews occured in WW2.

After WW2 world Jewry flocked to Palestine. And opposite to their reluctance to migrate to Palestine before WW2, the Jews went full Arnie on Palestine: rape; murder; terror; attacks against the British even though the British had just helped liberate many Jews from Nazi concentration camps, and in some cases had even helped the Zionist terrorists in their terror campaign against the Palestinians!

But in 1944 a very curious meeting occured in the Red House Hotel in Strasbourg. A report of this meeting was made to U S Military Intelligence and to British Intelligence by someone who they considered a trusted and reliable agent. Attendees to this meeting were very high-ranking Nazis, industrialists and military.

The outcome of that meeting was that the war was lost, so post-war planning for a Nazi industrial empire was underway.

Martin Bormann was the man organising all this. Bormann fled to Argentina and established 750 Nazi front companies. Some of these companies/corporations were already established and received millions of dollars.

But for all this to work there needed to be stability in the Deutschmark. Stability in Europe was also necessary.

Meanwhile, Zionist terrorists were driving Palestinians out of their homes into the 2 largest refugee camps in the world: Gaza; and the West Bank.

As stated above, U S Military Intelligence and British Intelligence knew of this Nazi plan to create a business and commercial empire and allowed it to grow.

The American Committee on United Europe (ACUE) financed the early European projects. As did the Marshal Fund. Top Nazi banker, Hermann Abs, was assigned with distributing these funds in post-war Germany. The USA saw a strong united Europe necessary in the fight against Soviet Russia, and allying with the Nazis seemed a good idea at the time. So the USA and the UK protected the Nazi network organised by Bormann and even shipped ex-Nazis to the USA to work on scientific and anti-Soviet propaganda and intelligence projects. Shortly after, a series of meetings called Bilderberg began in 1954. European and American Royalty, military and industrialists met in top secret to discuss international affairs and agree on a way forward.

But who is the driver of Brexit?

To me, the key driver has been CIA Bilderberg Zionist Rupert Murdoch. It was he who began meeting Nigel Farage in secret and began to promote Farage.

David Icke, father of neo-Nazi talentless shit Garth Icke, wrote in Alice in Wonderland that Murdoch knows what is going on. And in this Icke is not wrong. Murdoch financed the Neo-conservatives which led to PNAC and 9/11. After 9/11 Murdoch drove the Zionist war hysteria. Murdoch put Trump into the White House. And his media empire produced Boris Johnson. Two of Murdoch's closest friends, Gove and Patel, are in Johnson's cabinet and hold very powerful and influential positions.

So if the European Union is an extension of the Nazi Empire but in grey business suits, and powerful Zionist Murdoch is driving Brexit (and other Zionists like Bannon are working for total destruction of the EU), then is Brexit a Nazi v Zionist thing?

Were the Zionists unaware of the Bormann network and the Red House Meeting?

If not then why have they not done anything to alert the world to it?

Or is Brexit a subtle Zionist attack on this Nazi business and political empire?

Or now that there is no Soviet Empire, and Russia under Vlad the Chabad Putin is under total Zionist control, then the EU can be disposed of?

Remember: Netanyahu warned the EU that the EU had better start obeying Israel or else the EU would be destroyed.

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