Saturday, February 08, 2020


Basically what he wrote about Murdoch in Alice in Wonderland : that Murdoch knows what is going on and implements the will of the ruling reptilian bloodlines, aka The Brotherhood.

Guess who drove Brexit? Yep. CIA Bilderberg Zionist Rupert Murdoch.

Here's what Icke wrote about Murdoch in The Biggest Secret:
Journalists dance to the official tune and become the copy typists and town criers for the official version of life. They are the ‘gofers’ for those higher up the media pyramid. At the top are bankers who provide the funds to buy the media groups. These bankers also control the major industries and business networks and the newspaper, television, and radio operations cannot survive without the advertising revenue from these people. The threat to stop advertising has led to many an expose of the truth ending up in the bin. Below the bankers and industrialists come the media ‘barons’, the Murdochs, Blacks, O’Reillys, and Packers. They toe the line of the funders and advertisers and they appoint their editors to make sure that the same policy appears in the papers and broadcast media day after day. The editor appoints the journalists and they have to follow the same line the editor has been told to follow. The journalist answers to the editor, the editor answers to the proprietor, and the proprietor answers to the banks and the corporations - the Brotherhood.

And then later on in the book, this gem:
Iron Mountain clearly happened. Now they are playing the extraterrestrial card. For decades the idea of extraterrestrials was dismissed and laughed at by the media, but suddenly, now the time is right, they are taking it more and more seriously. UFO ‘research’ in the United States has been funded by Laurance Rockefeller and this has included a panel of nine scientists led by the Stanford physicist Peter Sturrock. He told American television that they had found ‘compelling physical evidence’ that something is going on that they do not understand. Now, I wonder what that can be? And look at the stream of fear-based extraterrestrial television programmes and movies like Independence Day (made by 20th Century Fox owned by Rupert Murdoch), Alien Resurrection (made by 20th Century Fox owned by Rupert Murdoch) and X-Files (made by Fox Television owned by Rupert Murdoch). And, I should add, Rupert Murdoch is owned by the Brotherhood.

So, tell me again : why is Murdoch still alive while Dr David Kelly, who tried to stop the disastrous war on Iraq in 2003, was 'suicided'?

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