Friday, December 04, 2020


Then : Jesus Christ was real, he actually lived, and he talked to me.

Now : Jesus Christ is a fictional character created by the Babylonian Brotherhood (one of whom is Rupert Murdoch, who drove Brexit, which Icke supports).

Complete fuck-up. Hence he promotes his son Garth who mocks victims of violent crime commited by neo-Nazis, and victims of professional burglary (like me).

The Ickes claim there is no virus and it was 5G wot dunnit.

But have they investigated a single death attributed to Rona on the Isle of Wight, which is perhaps the ideal region for this because it is not part of mainland UK? Nope. Not. A single. Death.

It's a case of: I'm David Icke, I'm the Son of God, so what I say goes, and I don't have to professionally burgle or hack anyone, or work with anyone who does that, coz I'm not a teef. 

Right, Dave (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)?

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