Friday, November 04, 2022


In an inglorious rant on Kanye West and the Jewish Question, Robinson softens his Zionism by claiming he merely believes in Israel's right to exist.

But Robinson:

  1. has said he would fight and die for Israel;
  2. wraps himself in an Israeli flag while holding a Zionist Federation placard; 
  3. worked for a year for a guy who organised a rally in support of Israel's infanticide of 500 children in Gaza in 2014;
  4. has been photographed standing on an Israeli tank brandishing an automatic weapon;
  5. detests Palestinians;
  6. claims he is King of the Islam Race;
  7. wears Mossad t-shirts;
  8. believes that real-life muslims did 9/11 all on their own without any help from anyone;
  9. has failed to address why the 9/11 wars were on enemies of Israel (except Afghanistan which was to restore the opium harvests which the Taliban had eradicated).

The question Robinson should be asking is: why would the former President and Prime Minister of Italy Francesco Cossiga, who exposed NATO Operation Gladio, say that the intels around the world know that Mossad and the CIA did 9/11?

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