Wednesday, June 28, 2023


9/11 is not a myth, like the tale of Saint George slaying the dragon in days of yore.

Planes flew into the WTC.

Something hit the Pentagon.

It was all blamed on a man hiding in a cave requiring frequent kidney dialysis because he suffered from Marfan Syndrome.

The subsequent wars cost at least $6 trillion and millions of lives.  

We bombed the shit out of Iraq and Libya.

We unleashed cutthroat Jihadis onto Libya and Syria.

We are still at war.

Because of 9/11. 

You can watch a fascinating documentary on 9/11 on ITVX for free.

It's called, 9/11 : Life Under Attack

Some video I've never seen before.

9/11 kicked off this century.

War. Terror. Surveillance. Restrictions on human rights. Mass migration from the war-affected areas of MENA.

And it's got worse since.

And it's going to get worse.

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