Tuesday, June 27, 2023


The Ickes claim we are ruled by shape-shifting reptilian satanist paedophiles who live in the moon and receive their orders for world domination from Saturn.

Garth Icke has 2 daughters who claims he loves very much.

Yet at every opportunity Garth wants to be away from them and alone walking down a disused railway line.

If he really believed the above hypothesis then I would expect him and Jaymie to be knocking on doors, speaking in village halls, speaking in city and town centres, talking to folk like a Jehovah's Witness would stop you on the street, or knock on your door.

But we don't see that in Garth or Jaymie.

Instead we see a father wanting to leave his children and walk alone along a disused railway line.

This needs an Icke-splanation.

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