Alex Jones' ancestors were slavery-loving Confederates.
They rebelled against the government of Mexico because Mexico banned slavery, and formed The Republic of Texas 1836. They worked for and with the Godfather of the Confederacy Andrew Jackson, and fought at the rank of colonel and general in The Confederate Army to preserve slavery.
Alex has had several guests on pushing neo-Confederacy which aims to blame the war on a tariff not slavery.
Yesterday Alex confessed that he was brought up to be very pro-Israel, which more and more are now stating is an apartheid state.
The latest race-related stuff that the Ickes have lifted off Infowars is about Cultural Diversity On Display Again In Sweden
But have you ever noticed that Infowars and Paul Joseph Watson NEVER criticise the "cultural diversity" of Palestine?
You know, after Zionist terrorists and murderers invaded Palestine to ceate the apartheid state of Israel?
Just read the first 4 sentences above again: Infowars is Confederate and Zionist and is also a US Military Intelligence propaganda asset.
The Ickes are on very dangerous ground posting race-related stuff off Infowars.
The Zionists almost had the Ickes with Lewis Brackpool, Dominique Samuels and Tommy Robinson.
Or perhaps the Zionists do have the Ickes in their pocket?
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