Wednesday, October 25, 2023


Antony Blinken is the current Secretary of State. He was in Israel last week to give Netanyahu the full support of the USA. During that visit Blinken admitted to being Jewish.

But there is much more to his Jewishness.

His grandfather Maurice Henry Blinken financed a report by Robert Nathan that concluded that Palestine could support 2 million Jews. The report is entitled, Palestine: Problem and Promise: An Economic Study. This report convinced many to support mass Jewish immigration into Palestine after WW2 and is arguably why Israel exists.

But Blinken's mother divorced his father and married Samuel Pisar. Here's what Blinken says about Pisar:

"My late stepfather, Samuel Pisar…was one of 900 children in his school in Bialystok, Poland, but the only one to survive the Holocaust after four years in concentration camps. At the end of the war, he made a break from a death march into the woods in Bavaria. From his hiding place, he heard a deep rumbling sound. It was a tank. But instead of the iron cross, he saw painted on its side a five pointed white star. He ran to the tank, the hatch opened, an African-American GI looked down at him. He got down on his knees and said the only three words that he knew in English that his mother taught him before the war, “God bless America.” That’s who we are. That’s what America represents to the world, however imperfectly."

Just imagine a child in The Gaza Strip being similarly saved by an African-American GI in a tank with a five pointed white star.

Never. Going. To happen.

Thanks to Blinken.

A sick irony.

See : A Tale of Five Blinkens

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