Wednesday, December 13, 2023


On a lost tape from 2009 Alex Jones claims to Icke-splain the US Civil War to a listener.

See : The True History of the American Civil War – Infowars Flashback

Surprisingly there was no mention of a tariff.

But there is lots on praising Andrew Jackson.

But hang on! Jackson was a British agent!

Jackson was the Godfather of the Confederacy. He loved slavery. He was one of the most powerful slaveholders in the United States. He organised a raid in Florida to return runaway slaves to their 'rightful' owners.

How do we know that Jackson was a British agent?

On that 2009 tape Alex mentions Aaron Burr assassinating Alexander Hamilton. Alex claims Burr did this because Hamilton was a British agent and Burr was a patriot.

Unfortunately for Alex, after Burr assassinated Hamilton he fled to safety and stayed for several weeks with Jackson. Burr then fled to Great Britain where he then stayed with top British agent Jeremy Bentham for years to plot his return to the United States!  

Why would Burr the patriot flee to Great Britain and stay for years with a top British agent?

Jackson was chosen to be a British agent to destroy the 2nd Bank of the United States. Hamilton was the patriot. He took the idea of creating money out of nothing from the British and used it for the benefit of the people. Alex will claim that Jackson repaid the national debt. Yes, Jackson did, but only the last few dollars. Nicholas Biddle did all the hard work and economics. Hamilton and Biddle built the United States into a rival to the British Empire. This is why the British destroyed the 2nd Bank of the United States through Jackson, and then sent in their top agent Giuseppe Mazzini to split the United States. The issue Mazzini used was slavery. And it was Andrew Jackson who became the Godfather of the Confederacy with his Indian Removal Act (The Trail of Tears), which allowed Jackson and his successors to sell off Indian tribal lands to planters who required slaves to provide the labour to grow cotton. 

For details on Andrew Jackson see the excellent works by Michael Kirsch.

Alex is covering up Jackson's treason because his family worked for and with Jackson.

Why would Aaron Burr hide out and find sanctuary with Jackson, and then flee to Great Britain where he stayed for years plotting his return to the United States with top British agent Jeremy Bentham?

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