Wednesday, September 04, 2024


Watch and listen to David Icke here brag that he gets a sudden urge to write a book, and then the information flows, suggesting that his many, many spirit guides were working through him.

So why did these many, many spirit guides allow him and his family to blame 5G for the excess deaths in 2020, when the true cause was the planned excessive use of Midazolam? The Daily Mail knew in July 2020, and yet Dave didn't know until a year later? Thus his many, many spirit guides allowed the roll-out of the killer vaccines. Why would they do that? Are these many, many spirit guides benevolent or malevolent? Or do they even exist in the ether at all?

Was it something that Da Ickez organised crime family had done before 2020 that alienated his many, many spirit guides (if they exist)?

We deserve an Icke-splanation, fat fella!

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