Monday, July 31, 2006


Dr Henry 'Strangelove' Kissinger has been given the opportunity to rant in The Washington Post today. His rant entitled "The Next Steps With Iran" tries to paint Iran as a backward country which needs bringing frm the dark ages into the modern world.

There is however no mention of why, despite sitting on a huge lake of oil and gas, Iran needs to be 'modernized'.

That whole area, consisting of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Saudia Arabia, Egypt and Palestine, is a sordid tale of Anglo-American interference and manipulation. New nations were created and new borders drawn by the West. Rulers were imposed, and were overthrown and replaced by new ones allied to the West if they didn't do as the Anglo-Americans wanted, particularly in Iran. Dr Mohammad Mossadegh nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) to use the profits for Iran. So what did the Anglo-Americans do? Overthrew and replaced him, and with the aid of Mossad then created the brutal SAVAK to prevent any counter-revolution. AIOC became British Petroleum in 1954. Mossadegh was voted "The Iranian of the Century" in 2000 by readers of The Iranian for his stand against the Anglo-American Oil companies.

Kissinger, like a number of Neocons, is foaming at the mouth, begging for a confrontation with Iran. There is even ANOTHER comment entitled "Iran's nuclear threat must be faced" in The Daily Telegraph calling for war on Iran.

But Does Kissinger want the Iranian sand, or the Iranian oil?

Or is there a deeper motive?

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