Saturday, December 09, 2006


In the late 19th Century a most diabolical plan was hatched. That plan involved provoking a war between the Jews and the Muslims. But how could such a war be provoked when Jews were scattered across the globe? Easy peasy. Finance a political movement that called for a Jewish homeland in what is now called Israel, encourage that movement to take that land, no matter what, driving hundreds of thousands of locals into refugee camps, and then give that Jewish political movement the bomb. This will 1) provoke much anger in the Muslim world, and 2) provoke a nuke arms race in the Middle East, which could eventually lead to large scale nuclear war, with two religions mutually destroying each other.

The man who hatched this apocalyptic plan was the diabolical Freemason Albert Pike.

World War 1 was partially about taking Palestine from the Ottomans. The Ottomans were allies of Germany, and both of these opposed mass Jewish immigration into Palestine. So WW1 was partially about destroying Germany to remove the opposition to the plan, and to wrest control of Palestine and place it into the hands of the Rothschilds, who had financed the initial Jewish settlements in Palestine. Then began some Jewish immigration into Palestine.

Hitler collaborated with the Zionist movement and Great Britain to transport Jews into Palestine. But most of the Jews were happy in Europe and were against Zionism, understanding the anger that mass immigration into Palestine would create. So a war between Hitler and the rest of the world followed, which stopped the overt flow of Jews into Palestine. Hitler's persecution of Jews following the official closure of what was known as "The Transfer Agreement" led to many Jews fleeing, but not to Palestine, though some did go there. Anti-Zionist movements accuse the Zionists of refusing to rescue millions of Jews by not paying a ransom (which people like the Rothschilds could easily pay) or refusing offers of homelands other than Palestine. At the end of the war Jews were then either terrified by the Anglo-American-financed Hitler into believing Israel was necessary for the survival of Judaism, or were encouraged by other means to moving there. Terrorist Zionist movements bombed, bullied and murdered their way into stealing and founding Israel. Israel was then given the bomb.

So, let's take a look at this from the Muslim perspective. You see terrorist murdering Jews driving your fellow Muslims from their farms into squalid refugee camps. These same Jews then receive massive finance from the USA and live in relative luxury. These same Jews then receive recognition at and preferential treatment from the UN (via the veto from the USA). And the to top it all off these same Jews are given the bomb.


of course it's going to trigger a nuke arms race.



Many years have been spent setting this trap. We know who the sponsors of this trap are. So why fall into a trap you know is there when you know who has set it, why it was set, and knowing it will lead to your mutual destruction?

I suppose some would say it is easy for me to talk like this. I haven't had my grandfather driven from his farm, or my brother shot by a sniper.

But it's time this arms race was stopped.

It is part of the plan.

I agree with the study from the US Army War College earlier this year which called for Israel to de-nuke, not for other Middle East countries to nuke-up.

Step back. Millions have died already.

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