Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Lord Goldsmith changed his mind about invading Iraq after he received legal advice in Washington DC from Condoleeza Rice and US Government lawyers, one of whom was William Taft IV. Taft is a direct descendent of President William Taft, who was groomed for the Presidency by the traitor and Anglophiile Theodoere Roosevelt. President Taft's father created the Skull and Bones at Yale, so it is no surprise to find that Taft IV was also a Bonesman along with his best mate John Kerry.

But there's more!!

Taft IV was a member of PNAC and signed the letter from PNAC to President Clinton demanding action on Milosevic.

So Goldsmith advises war would be illegal and is kept out of the loop, and asked for legal advice only after war plans are well underway. He then goes to DC and speaks to PNAC Neocons and changes his mind.

Goldsmith, like the lawyers at the FCO, thought any invasion of Iraq would have been illegal.

But after a trip to Washington DC he changes his mind.

Goldsmith also stated that while in Washington DC he was told that Russia and France had privately stated to US officials that a 2nd resolution was not needed!!

This second statement is the most intriguing.

Is it true?

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