Sunday, September 11, 2011


Nutjob is a term used by Damian Thompson in The Daily Telegraph today[1]. In his rant Thompson addresses the JFK assassination, and appears to believe in the 'nutjob' conspiracy theory that the mafia killed JFK. It certainly is possible that the mob were involved at some level, for example providing the shooters, but the rest of the plot is beyond them.

But in reference to 9/11 Thompson addresses the missile-shaped hole in the Pentagon, how structural experts 'discovered' how WTC7 collapsed into its own footprint at near freefall speed without being hit by a plane, and the evidence or lack thereof at Shanksville where UA93 allegedly plunged into the ground.

Such arguments can be propagated in an infiltrated truth movement and then later disproved to discredit the movement. For example, in the latest BBC Conspiracy Files I saw a week or two ago a female investigator stated that she saw the bodies of passengers of AA77 in the rubble inside the Pentagon. If this is true then this destroys the cruise-missile-hit-the-Pentagon theory. But it does not answer the question as to how the inexperienced alleged hijackers were able to fly AA77 through an incredible flight path to hit the Pentagon, and at the department investigating the potential fraud of $2 trillion!

But it also does not answer the question, where was the USAF so that AA77 could fly into the Pentagon? The answer to that question is always confusion. Confusion caused by drills and lack of military aircraft due to drills many miles away? Not only did the alleged hijackers have the luck to hit the Pentagon they also had the luck that no USAF fighter was able to shoot them down because most of the USAF assigned to protect the North East Sector was away on drills.

When investigating a crime the investigators look for opportunity and motive. The PNAC crowd had opportunity and motive. They had motive because they wanted "a new Pearl Harbor" to prosecute multiple simultaneous wars across the globe for the USA to impose its authority as the only global superpower. Iraq, Iran and North Korea were named. They had opportunity because many of them were in very influential positions on 9/11, even having quickly and quietly awarded themselves the power to order a shoot down or stand down, to control media and foreign policy after the attacks.

Afghanistan was invaded as a result of 9/11. The Taliban were not agreeing to pipelines crossing their turf. Shortly before 9/11 they were threatened with "a carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs". The Taliban had also destroyed the opium crops. Since 9/11 and the intervention of NATO the opium harvest reached record levels.

But once Afghanistan had been sorted out why did attention switch to Iraq which had nothing to do with 9/11? Even on the day of 9/11 PNAC members were looking to blame Iraq before Osama bin Laden. We now know thansk to General Wesley Clark that Iraq and Iran were also on a list of seven countries to be attacked in five years. The list also included Libya, Lebanon and Syria. These are also named in an Israeli document called A Clean Break, which was written by people very close to PNAC. We invaded Iraq based on a pile of bullshit about WMD and involvement in 9/11. Similar lies are now being propagated about Iran.

Regarding Osama bin Laden, the USA had many opportunities to capture or kill him before 9/11 but refused them, and even after 9/11 the FBI did not explicitly list that day as a crime for which he was wanted because there was insufficient evidence.

Even the Commission created by George W Bush accused his administration of withholding evidence and most believed that there has been a coverup of 9/11.

Thene there is the strange photo of cars on a bridge that look as if they have been melted, perhaps by powerful EM technology. Did this technology weaken the structures of WTC 1, 2 and 7? Has this been investigated?

And there is the ridiculous case of the passports of the alleged hijackers being found in pristine condition in the rubble of the WTC.

But not only all this, 9/11 gave the Zionist USA the opportunity to invade a region of the planet which is predominantly Islamic, which directly supports the thesis that major events of modern history have followed a plan for three world wars as laid out by a Freemasonic God/Weirdo called Albert Pike.

Call me a nutjob when I believe that Santa Claus and Elvis and Princess Diana hijacked the planes on 9/11. But when all this evidence exists and is rarely addressed by mainstream media then I am exercising my God-given right when I proclaim,

9/11 was an inside job!

9/11 was an inside job!

9/11 was an inside job!

9/11 was an inside job!

[1] Ten years after 9/11, the conspiracy theorist nutjobs are still telling lies, The Daily Telegraph, 09/11/2011

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