Thursday, September 08, 2011


I was working at my computer in my office when my colleague told me a plane had flown into a tower at the WTC on 9/11. I did not suspect it was an accident. Then news of the second plane came through, and one also at the Pentagon. I went home early to watch the news asking myself, where was the USAF?

A decade later and we have the pieces for the jigsaw that is 9/11.

Indeed, we had the pieces a year or two after 9/11, but they have since been proved and reinforced by the actions of the USA, the UK and NATO.

I will never believe the official story of 9/11, that somehow some Muslims hijacked four passenger planes and were able to fly them around for over an hour in the most protected airspace on the planet without any challenge from the USAF, and for those hijacked planes to be then flown into the WTC and even The Pentagon!

The main pieces of evidence that 9/11 was an inside job are associated with The Project for a New American Century (PNAC). PNAC published a document in September 2000, one year before 9/11, called Rebuilding America’s Defenses in which they called for multiple simultaneous wars around the globe for the USA to exert its authority as the world’s only superpower. They named North Korea, Iraq and Iran as the major threats to US national security, naming Iran as more of a threat than Iraq. PNAC recognised that such large scale military action would not be supported by the public of the USA without “a new Pearl Harbor”.

It was about the same time as the publication of Rebuilding America’s Defenses that the producer of Trading Places, Aaron Russo, was with one of the Rockefeller family, Nick, and being asked by him to join their cabal. During this conversation Nick Rockefeller told Russo that there would soon be an event that would result in the USA going to war in Afghanistan and Iraq. This indicates prior knowledge of 9/11 and the consequences.

Members of PNAC included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz. President George W Bush was not, but his brother Jeb was. Bush’s victory in the Presidential election of 2000 was not straightforward. Jeb was Governor of Florida when Florida controversially backed George. Without Florida W would not have won, and W would not have been able to appoint particular personnel from PNAC to very, very influential positions in his administration.

On 9/11 Dick Cheney was Vice President, Donald Rumsfeld was Secretary of Defense, and Paul Wolfowitz was Deputy Secretary of Defense. Just a few months before 9/11 the protocol for a stand down order was altered so that only the Secretary of Defense could issue intercept orders. The document authorizing this is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction CJCSI 3610.01A (dated 1 June 2001). This explains the lack of activity by the USAF on 9/11. This lack of activity is also due to the large number of military drills on the day of 9/11 which saw most of the USAF originally assigned to the North East Sector to protect New York and Washington DC many miles away and unable to protect the WTC and the Pentagon. Protection of the Pentagon could have been organised through Andrews Air Force Base, just a few miles away, but fighter jets were scrambled from there when it was too late.

Former Four Star General and head of NATO Europe Operations Wesley Clark spoke to the Commonwealth Club of California in October 2007, and revealed what the thinking at the highest levels of the Pentagon was shortly after 9/11. Seven countries were to be invaded. Iraq was one. Libya another. Syria and Iran were also on the list. Seven countries in five years was the goal. But Clark also stated that Wolfowitz told him in 1991 that the USA had 5 to 10 years to impose its authority on the globe to become the only superpower. 10 years later we got 9/11, and we now see the USA imposing itself on those countries named by Clark.

Iraq was invaded on the falsehood of possessing WMD.

Libya has been invaded after NATO Special Forces armed and trained a bunch of al Qaeda rebels in order to provoke a civil war which would permit NATO to claim “humanitarian intervention” in Libya to save the NATO rebels.

Iran saw a failed colour revolution in 2009, and has recently been publicly mentioned by both George Soros and Henry Kissinger as the ultimate goal of the Arab Spring, in which according to Soros Iran will “suffer the bloodiest of revolutions”.

9/11 was the “new Pearl Harbor” that PNAC wanted and needed to convince the public of the USA to wage war around the globe, but in particular in the fossil fuel rich region of the Middle East and the Caspian, and also Libya which has the best oil in the world. Dick Cheney called the area “the ultimate prize” in a speech to the Institute of Petroleum shortly before 9/11.

Without 9/11 the subsequent actions of the US military and NATO would have been impossible.

9/11 was an inside job!

9/11 was an inside job!

9/11 was an inside job!

9/11 was an inside job!

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