Saturday, September 03, 2011


In this astonishing speech Wesley Clark, former four star General and Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, tells the Commonwealth Club of California the plan.

Clark directly accuses Dick Cheney and other members of PNAC of a coup on 9/11. It should be recalled that this blog constantly accuses PNAC of planning and orchestrating 9/11, because PNAC published a document entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses in September 2000 which called for the USA to wage war across the globe. PNAC recognised that such a global military adventure would not be supported by the American public unless there was a catalyzing event, such as a new Pearl Harbour. 9/11 was that new Pearl Harbour. Members of PNAC were in offices of high government and able to influence the resulting policy and media frenzy.

Here Clark quotes Paul Wolfowitz saying in 1991(!) that the USA has 5 to 10 years to dominate the Middle East before the emergence of another superpower. In 1991 the former USSR was in complete disarray and about to be economically raped by the so called Russian Oligarchs with overt business and intelligence links to the Rothschilds, who have since either fled Russia and found sanctuary in London or Israel, or are in prison like Khordokovsky. Ten years after 1991 is 2001, and 9/11.

Rebuilding America's Defenses lists Iraq and Iran as targets for the US military, stating that Iran is more of a threat to US National Security than Iraq. Iraq was invaded in 2003 based on lies pushed by Cheney and his PNAC buddies about WMD. Here Clark states that Syria is also on a list of seven countries to be overthrown, one of which is Libya and others included Iraq and Iran. Shortly after Iraq was invaded in 2003 and no WMD were found it was alleged that they had been moved to and hidden in Syria.

But the final target is Iran, just like Soros and Kissinger have publicly stated.

We have just witnessed a NATOlution in Libya.

The next NATOlution is brewing in Syria.

After that, the final NATOlution will be in Iran.

But I think there is a possibility that these are just smokescreens designed to provoke the clash of civilizations proposed by Albert Pike in which the west in the form of NATO is waging multiple wars in the Middle East. Most military personnel involved in the current shenanigans will have never heard of Albert Pike, so are innocent of wittingly dragging us into a global conflict planned at least 150 years ago. But through their willingness to obey the orders of their military leaders they are doing so.

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