Monday, March 19, 2012


Is it just me or is there something highly suspicious about these apparently random shootings in France?

For no apparent reason, first members of the military, now Jewish schoolchildren?

Purleaze don't say Sarkozy (or someone hoping to assist him) is using a Gladio-type operation to terrorise France only for Sarkozy, the Father, the Saviour, the Messiah to save the nation? Hurray!

Can it be that cheesy?


Because it is being reported that the same gun was used in both apparently unconnected attacks.
The gun used in a school massacre that has rocked France was the same used in the murders of three soldiers last week, a police source has said.

...The French presidential campaign has effectively been suspended with Mr Sarkozy's main rival, socialist Francois Hollande, also travelling to Toulouse.

[source : Toulouse shooting: Same gun used in Jewish and soldier attacks, The Daily Telegraph, 19/03/2012]

My question is, just how unconnected are these attacks while Sarkozy, the man who just assisted al Qaeda into power in Libya and is now assisting them in Syria, thus serving the Anglo-American Empire, is predicted to lose the coming French election?

Who will people look to for safety?

Sarkozy is currently significantly behind Francoise Hollande in the opinion polls.

The election is just over a month away, but as the quote above shows the campaign has been suspended, perhaps giving Team Sarkozy more time to engineer a new campaign, or for a character assassination of Hollande similar to the one pulled on DSK last year. Can Sarkozy implement stronger laws to protect the public in such a short space of time? Probably not. But we will see how much coverage Sarkozy gets denouncing this terrorism while Hollande is hardly reported, just like Ron Paul.

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