Thursday, March 08, 2012


The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey has been speaking out against an attack on Iran. Panetta is supportive of this position too, publicly anyway...for now. It is due to them that we have not yet attacked Iran, and have yet to attack Syria.

It is Obama that needs to be arrested and impeached.

There is furore being created following the statements of Dempsey and Panetta yesterday. But they were not statements of arrogance, as some have portrayed it. They were stating the facts!

And the facts are due to Obama, not Dempsey or Panetta.

There must be no attempt whatsoever to spin these statements into dragging Dempsey into disgrace so he is sacked and replaced by a more compliant and obedient Chairman.

Read Dempsey's statements. They are categorically against war.

Panetta's are similar but not as solid.

There is a danger that these statements by Dempsey and Panetta will be used and twisted and spun to drag them down and out. They have been placed in their uncomfortable positions by the traitor Obama. Their statements should be seen as patriotic rather than arrogant or brazen.

Is it just coincidence that Congressman Walter Jones starts inpeachment proceedings the day after Dempsey and Panetta make these statements?

Is there some law that states that military and congress cannot communicate under any circumstances?

It's Obama.


He, not Dempsey, ordered the military into action against Libya, and then casually informed Congress he doesn't need their authority.

Perhaps the statements of Dempsey and Panetta are a way of exposing exactly what is going on? To bring attention to the treason.

It's the naughty boy traitor Obama, not Dempsey and Panetta, you want.

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