Friday, October 19, 2012


Now it is Ed West's turn.

West has written in The Daily Telegraph on Seamus Milne's "redwash" of history. This is in reference to Milne's alleged far left politics and his cynicism of the forthcoming 'celebrations' of WW1.

But West shows his total ignorance with this statement.
Britain was dragged into this conflict not because of imperialism or capitalism but fears over Germany’s navy, which threatened the British Isles.

[source : The Left's redwashing of the First World War, The Daily Telegraph,, 19/10/2012]

But Great Britain engineered the conflict!

Britain began engineering the conflict decades before Arch Duke Ferdinand was assassinated, and well before Germany became any sort of possible threat!


Prince Edward as Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) engineered the series of treaties that fell quickly into place upon the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand. Then Edward's son George V tricked Germany into marching into Belgium.

And this is a crucial point against West's argument, that Germany was so strong that Britain had to defeat Germany; Germany basically asked for Britain's permission to march into Belgium to get to Paris!!

When Germany asked for this permission George V said that it was not Britain's quarrel and would stay out of it, but when Germany invaded Belgium, Britain cited an obscure treaty it had with Belgium that it did not need to enforce and declared war on Germany.

Besides the decades of manipulation to encircle Germany given the correct event there was also decades of failed manipulation to get the Czar of Russia overthrown and replaced by a Communist dictatorship, and decades of failed attempts to get a Jewish colony in Palestine.

Edward VII was Grand Master of UGLE. During the trial of the assassins of Ferdinand it was found that the assassins were Freemasons and had received assistance and encouragement from Freemasons abroad. Wilhelm II later claimed that he was told by a distinguished Freemason that Freemasonry had planned it all to create a power vacuum in Central Europe.


It was not competing empires, as Milne argues.

It was not a righteous Great Britain being forced into putting down a tyrannical German despot, as West argues.

WW1 laid the foundations for the troubles of today.

Palestine was given to the Zionists, who tried to fill it with Jews but failed, even after cooperating with the Nazis.

The League of Nations, based in Geneva and financed by the Rockefellers, was created to fill that power vacuum, but the USA voted to stay out of it. So the power vacuum in Central Europe was then filled by the Wall Street-financed Nazis, who went on a rampage and invaded the Wall Street-financed Communist USSR, and also declared war on the USA after Pearl Harbour 1941. From this war grew the United Nations, also financed by the Rockefellers, and also Israel after the Holocaust finally persuaded world Jewry that Palestine was the only safe haven for them from a cruel and harsh world.

The UN is gradually assuming more and more control of the world, while Israel has provoked Islamic terrorism (which was protected by the Covenant of Security) and did 9/11 to kick off some kind of Clash of Civilizations.

I am not a Professor of Modern History. But I do hold a PhD in Applied Mathematics so I do have some appreciation of research and logic. I fear that many historians have been scared off the Zionist and Freemasonry arguments. They shouldn't be, because when you look at the evidence it is undeniable and crystal clear that the major events of modern history have been engineered with the aim of creating a tyrannical world government with depopulation and eugenics on its mind.

In 1782 at the Congress of Wilhemsbad, Freemasonry and the Illuminati agreed to join forces and try to rule the world. This congress really did occur, and the Illuminati was not a fictitious organisation. It really did exist. Books were written about them. People wrote about them. The Bavarian government hunted them down for treason and warned European royalty of them, but the founder Adam Weishaupt was protected by one of the members of the Illuminati, the Duke of Saxe Gotha.

Now get a load of this!

This is what the official site of the British Monarchy says about Edward VII.
The only British monarch of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was King Edward VII, who reigned for nine years at the beginning of the modern age in the early years of the twentieth century.

[source : House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha,, (Accessed 18 October 2012)]

Now re-read what I just wrote about Edward VII being Grand Master as he engineered the treaties well before WW1, and his son George V tricking Germany into invading Belgium, etc.

So it should now be painfully obvious what has happened. The Illuminati (who really did exist) found sanctuary in the House of Saxe-Gotha, and then managed to gain control of the British Monarchy through a marriage to Queen Victoria, and have since been implementing a diabolical plan for 3 world wars, involving the creation, the population and sustenance of Israel to provoke global terrorism, to establish the world government that they and Freemasonry agreed to unite for in 1782 at The Congress of Wilhelmsbad.


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