Yes, before the first settlers landed at what became known as Jamestown the native American Indians had been living in what would later become known as the USA for millenia. But over the following centuries the many peoples of the many tribes were slowly herded into smaller and smaller reservations, their equivalent of the ghetto, by a Christian nation so that eventually the USA would be the only nation to have used weapons of mass destruction (on Japan in WW2 when there was no need) and would interfere with the government of every nation on Earth, except perhaps the UK. The USA now has troops stationed all around the globe, and will not be happy until every nation on Earth is occupied and subservient to a world government based in the USA.
Let us not forget that one of the secret societies that runs the USA for the NWO, Skull and Bones, dug up Geronimo's grave and stole the skull.
The American Holocaust commenced last year with the Obama ordered murder upon American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki. Obama simply ignored the 5th Amendment of the Constitution which states in part:”no person shall… be deprived of life, liberty or property without Due Process of law.” It is likely that history will judge this act as the trigger event which will ultimately set into motion the American Holocaust.
[source : The American Holocaust Is Beginning, The Common Sense Show,, 25th November 2012]
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