Sunday, October 27, 2013


The interview of Russell Brand by Jeremy Paxman this week has inevitably led to the ritual media slaughter of Russell Brand. For when anyone with any following says something revolutionary then the media attack dogs are unleashed onto him/her to be savaged and slaughtered. It is a ritual we have seen many times before, and will see again.

And for that Brand can be right proud of himself, because some of his executioners are some of the lowest warmongering scumbags in the mainstream media.

Take Nick Cohen. Cohen supported the invasion of Iraq. He supports war on Syria. And I assume from his hatred of Iran that he would also support war on Iran. But as with all warmongers, we must ask what would Cohen do if he was given a uniform, a rifle, a helmet, a pair of boots and a free flight to Baghdad, or Damascus, or Tehran?

Cohen was one of the original signatories to The Euston Manifesto, which tried to make the left pro-war just as the plan for war on seven nations in five years, as revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the mother of all inside Ziojobs 9/11, was being strongly opposed by the left.

So it is no surprise that Cohen writes for everybody's favourite controlled-left newspaper...The Guardian.

In his hit-piece Cohen immediately tries to liken Brand to Benito Mussolini.
Here are two quotes. The first is from the Fascist Decalogue, written by Benito Mussolini in 1938. The second is from an article,"We no longer have the luxury of tradition", written by Russell Brand in 2013.

"Service can be rendered at all times, in all places, and by every means. It can be paid with toil and also with blood," said the one.

"Revolt in whatever way we want, with the spontaneity of the London rioters, with the certainty and willingness to die of religious fundamentalists or with the twinkling mischief of the trickster," said the other.

Only the contemporary references to suicidal murderers and rioting Londoners reveal that the second call to violence came from the comedian/actor and the first from the dictator.

[source : Wild emotions are all very well, Russell Brand, but then what?, The Guardian,, 26th October 2013]

But hang on. Isn’t this the same Nick Cohen who supported war on Iraq, supports war on Syria, and presumably war on Iran too? Cohen’s love for violence led to the deaths of over a half million Iraqis during Shock and Awe, as well as all the deformities due to the illegal use of depleted uranium. Did Cohen also support the sanctions that led to Madeleine Albright saying that the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children was a price worth paying?

Cohen constantly refers to the 1920's and 1930's. What happened during this period? Well, according to Cohen, people were thinking and saying exactly the same thing that Brand said to Paxman. But the hint is there : don't think or talk like Brand or we might get another Mussolini, or Mosley, or even Hitler. Hitler was a vegetarian, but Brand is a vegan! Cohen then ends with a nod to his late pal Norman Geras, who Cohen states was a Marxist philosopher, and who also a driving force behind The Euston Manifesto. Cohen, citing Geras, now sees it as his job to “take on and beat” Brand.

Well, good luck with that, Nick!

Brand must be saying something right to get a warmonger like Cohen riled. It is a badge of honour to be attacked by a warmonger like Cohen, so Brand can wear this badge with great pride.

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