Hi! The world is currently in deep doodoo. Want to know why? Do you want an injection of truth? Then take The Truth Serum. See the true world develop before your very eyes. See the slow imposition of a Police State with microchip implants and 24/7 surveillance. See the disappearance of cash to be replaced with a cashless society. And much, much more...
Thursday, July 31, 2014
So on 28th June, who turned up?
Just me!
This tells me that either:
1. nobody reads this blog;
2. nobody cares.
World War 1 was the world's first truly world war. It took decades to engineer by the British establishment. But its failure in establishing a world government under British control ultimately led to World War 2, which was more horrific than World War 1. So a protest on 28th June was not just a protest against Freenasonry's role in engineering World War 1, it was also a protest about the British establishment's mongering of two world wars to establish a world government under their control.
So my thinking is:
1. if point 1. above is true then why should I spend so much time writing to myself?
2. if point 2. above is true then why should I spend so much time writing to myself?
I'd be better off if I found something more effective to do. What this is I'm not sure.
So The Truth Serum is closing down.
The west might also ask Russia to make a financial contribution to UN HIV/Aids funds to make up for the death of scientists who were on their way to an Aids conference in Melbourne. And from Donetsk to Gaza, we need to change air traffic regulations so planes are not cruising within striking distance of a rocket. Over the past six months Vladimir Putin has redrawn the map of Europe, fuelled war in a neighbouring sovereign state, and waged a propaganda campaign, much of it directed at the west, and not seen since the cold war. The west has largely decided to leave well alone. In light of what has happened, this is no longer a suitable way to deal with Putin's amoral, anarchic and brutish Russia.
[source : Ukraine: it's time brutish Putin was held to account, Editorial, The Observer, http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jul/20/observer-editorial-flight-mh17-west-must-challenge-russia-putin, 20th July 2014]
Brutish Putin?
Brutish Russia?
The same editorial began:
The evidence is mounting. It suggests that pro-Russian separatists, using a sophisticated Buk missile, shot down Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 on Thursday, as it flew above eastern Ukraine.
What evidence? Evidence that the Ukrainian Security Service put out that was manufactured BEFORE MH17 was shot down? Or the photographic evidence that was initially said to show the Russian BUK system that shot down MH17 rushing back to Russia before it was found, when the BUK system in the photo actually belonged to the Ukrainian military and the photo was taken in an area of Ukraine controlled by the Ukrainian military? Or the evidence provided on social media, by fools such as Brown Moses who still after nearly a year is still trying to pin Ghouta on Assad, yet such an event was predicted right here on this blog weeks before it happened?
The Guardian/Observer barely reports on the many civilian deaths of civilians in East Ukraine, almost as many in Gaza, caused by the Guardian's beloved Ukrainian military, instead telling the EU in the same editorial:
It [the EU] should consider listing the Donetsk and Luhansk "people's republics" as terrorist groups.
As a reminder of what happened in Ukraine: Yanukovich had decided to sign an agreement with Russia that offered better terms for the people of Ukraine. This pissed off the IMF/Wall Street/EU crowd. So violent neo-Nazis were unleashed, who chased the Yanukovich government out and declared themselves the new government. They then began repressing dissent, and their supporters in Odessa chased a bunch of anti neo-Nazis into a building, set it on fire, burning many inside alive, shooting at those in the windows jumping to escape the flames, and then beating to death those who survived the jump. The new government has...SURPRISE!...signed Ukraine over to the IMF/Wall Street/EU crowd. All this violence was supported by the likes of The Guardian and the NATO media who portrayed the violence in Ukraine as an independent bloodless uprising of downtrodden peasants against a Russophile tryanny, and not the violent NATO-sponsored neo-Nazi coup that it actually was.
A month ago three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped and found dead near Hebron. A splinter group of ISIS claimed responsibility. But Netanyahu blamed Hamas. In revenge, a Palestinian boy was kidnapped and burned alive by extremist Israelis (now there's a phrase you rarely see!). This provoked Hamas rocket fire into Israel. So Netanyahu started another war on Gaza.
I predicted this war. I said it was going to be at least as bad as Operation Cast Lead. And sadly I am going to be right...again.
This morning I have looked back at how The Guardian itself, through its editorials, has commented on this latest slaughter in Gaza by Israel. I did something similar last year when I looked at how The Guardian/Observer editorials commented on Syria after the event of 21st August last year, and found that they immediately and consistently accused Assad of Ghouta, not once considering the rebels as culprits despite the overwhelming evidence and logic that they stood to gain, and expressed great joy at Syria relinquishing its chemical weapons while not once mentioning Israel's much more powerful and destructive arsenal of WMDs.
The following editorials in The Guardian/Observer have been published since Operation Protective Edge began on 8th July:
21st July 2014 The Guardian view on... a futile war in Gaza
16th July 2014 The Guardian view on the chances of a Gaza ceasefire
13th July 2014 The Guardian view on the conflict in Gaza
The most recent editorial, The Guardian view on the causes of the fighting in Gaza, on Gaza was published on 25th July...A WEEK AGO! Since then there have been Israeli attacks on United Nations buildings, and busy market places during a ceasefire, and hundreds and hundreds more dead, the vast majority civilians.
In just over 3 weeks Israel has killed, not just wounded but actually killed, over 1300 people in Gaza, most of whom were civilians. Killed. Dead. Blown to bits. Decapitated. Dead. Yet where are the editorials using phrases such as "Brutish Israel"?
Israel is the occupier. It has legal responsibilities which it is not honouring. This is why organisations such as Hamas exist, why they have so much support inside and outside of Gaza, and why it is legal for them to resist. Yet for all their rocket fire into Israel, what death and damage have Hamas caused in Israel? Very, very little. Yet Israel has killed to death over 1300, most of whom were civilians. Most Israeli dead were IDF killed during the ground invasion of Gaza.
So we have to ask, how can The Guardian/Observer come out against 'brutish' Putin and Russia so strongly and overtly, while not condemning Israel's one-sided slaughter of civilians in Gaza, yet finding the time and space to write the most bizarre editorial on eating ice cream cones, and today's editorial on Phil Lesh!
Therefore the following people should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves, should write their next articles/comments in The Guardian condemning The Guardian/Observer, and end those articles/comments with either their resignations from The Guardian or stating that they will no longer be writing for The Guardian:
Owen Jones
Seamus Milne
Both of these are allegedly anti war, yet they write for a newspaper that is so obviously a key member of the NATO/Israeli warmongering empire.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
@SorayaBakhbakhi @georgegalloway pic.twitter.com/Kwl0SWKnNq
— #WeAreSatoshi ϕ (@sovereignmonkey) July 29, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Have you seen this man?

Do not approach this man.
Though not armed (as far as we know), he is dangerous.
He is responsible for the deaths of over 1000 Palestinians this year alone. In 2008/9 he was responsible for the deaths of 1500 Palestinians.
He is very rarely seen in public, but should you see him in public he may be carrying a bottle or two of the finest Chianti to quaff.
I knew Hamas had not kidnapped and murdered those 3 Israeli teenagers. A splinter group of ISIS claimed responsibility, pledging allegiance to al-Baghadi, the graduate of Guantanamo Bay. I heard the BBC report this claim in the morning. But by tea time that same day this claim was absent, and the BBC began to continually report Netanyahu's unsubstantiated allegation that Hamas had done the murderous deed.
I knew then that the the fix was in. I had seen this type of media manipulation and provocation before in late 2008. So I called it out: Netanyahu wanted another war.
And so with over 1000 Palestinians now dead, Israel continues to claim the moral high ground, claiming to be defending itself.
But in 1917, The Balfour Declaration, which gave British support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, said this:
His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
The most relevant section to Gaza is this:
it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine
But what do we see today? Palestinians herded off their lands into refugee camps in 1948, now living in squalor, occupied, bombed and bombed and bombed, from above, from the land and from the sea, bombed and bombed and bombed.
This latest bloody adventure for the trigger-happy IDF is due to Nutty Netanyahu's unsubstantiated allegations that Hamas kidnapped and murdered 3 Israeli teenagers.
But now an Israeli Police spokesman has stated that Hamas did not, repeat not, do the murderous deed.
The Israeli Police Foreign Press Spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld, appears to have falsified the Israeli government’s claim that Hamas was responsible for the killing of three Israeli settler teens in June, by saying responsibility lies with a lone cell that operated without the complicity of Hamas’ leadership.
[Source : Hamas not complicit in teens’ kidnap: Israeli police, The Daily Star, http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2014/Jul-26/265229-hamas-not-complicit-in-teens-kidnap-israeli-police.ashx#axzz38eGNu4Pd, 26th July 2014]
And Berezovsky too.
It's their thing. Their job.
That's why it has taken nearly 8 years of British stalling and stalling and stalling, and one failed false flag at Ghouta killing hundreds of Syrian children to get a pubic inquiry into the death of Alexander Litvinenko established, and why any possible role played by MI6 in his death will not be examined.
First it was Alexander's father Walter. He accused Putin but now accuses Great Britain.
And now Alexander's brother Maxim. He also accused Putin but he too now accuses Great Britain.
Today Maxim, 32, the half-brother of Alexander and a chef by trade who was left almost penniless when his restaurant business collapsed, is now working for a company which helps wealthy Russians invest in the tax haven of San Marino.
And as his business fortunes have changed so has his story.
He told The Mail on Sunday yesterday in the Italian city of Rimini where he now lives: ‘It could have been the English, the Israelis, the Americans. Why would British secret services want my brother dead? To build public opinion against Putin.’
He claims MI6, who had worked with Litvinenko after he defected to the West, had uncovered his brother’s plans to return to Russia.
His brother ‘knew all sorts of things’ about Russian dissidents granted asylum in the UK – ‘things that would make the British and Americans uncomfortable if he returned’.
He denies receiving any financial support or favours from the Russian state, adding: ‘In 2012 I was called by the Russian prosecutor. They suggested the polonium could have been left by anyone, it could have been planted in the urine, the real poison could be thallium and the letter [written by Litvinenko before he died accusing Putin of his murder] could be fake.’
He added Russia had no reason to want his brother dead: ‘He didn’t do spying. He did not know any state secrets. He had a simple job. The state were not interested in him.’
[source : Litvinenko feud as Russian spy's brother says he was killed by British agents, but widow says his claims are 'lies', The Mail on Sunday, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2706945/Litvinenko-feud-Russian-spys-brother-says-killed-British-agents-widow-says-claims-lies.html, 26th July 2014]
Maxim is saying that Alexander Litvinenko wanted to return to Russia. But Alexander then dies in mysterious circumstances, and Putin is accused.
But what happened to Berezovsky? He too was looking to move back to Russia. But he too then dies in mysterious circumstances. And Putin is again the accused.
At the time of Litvinenko's death, Putin was kicking the Bilderberg oil giants out of Russia, and locking up Rothschild agents like Mikhail Khordokovsky.
Similarly, at the time of Berezovsky's death Putin was and still is backing Assad against the NATO cannibal cutthroat Jihadis after Bilderberg did 9/11 to kick out anti-Israel leaders like Assad, forcing them to run the failed false flag of Ghouta last year.
We have to look at the political circumstances.
Why has this public inquiry been announced at the time MH17 is brought down over East Ukraine, an event Putin was accused of personally, and still without any concrete evidence?
Why has it taken nearly 8 years and a failed false flag at Ghouta involving the alleged deaths of hundreds of Syrian children to get a public inquiry into the death of Alexander Litvinenko?
And why is any possible role of MI6 in his death being excluded from investigation?
And why is some evidence in this 'public' inquiry to be heard in secret?
Cover up, anyone?
But as with all things British, things are not as nice as they seem.
I have been on and on and on and on about how World War One was engineered by the British using Freemasonry. This was because nations like Germany and Russia were cooperating with the USA and implementing The Amercian System of Economics which was helping them to replace the brutal pro-slavery British Empire as the dominant economic force, and building land-based trade routes beyond the control of the powerful British Royal Navy. So Britain went for broke; it engineered a world war to destroy Europe and install a world government to stop any future war, which would be backed up with American muscle.
And the plan almost worked.
Europe was destroyed by World War One.
A world government was established, and many nations joined...except the USA.
As a consequence a second world war was required. So Wall Street and The City of London built Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Such ideological extremes in such close proximity were bound to clash. And the USA was dragged in early, in order to suffer many more casualties than it did in WW1 and thus be more amenable and accepting of a world government. And as a consequence, the USA not only joined but also hosts that world government, The United Nations.
But back to WW1.
I proposed a protest against all this outside Freemasons Hall on 28th June this year, 100 years to the day of the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand. I proposed it in January. People had 5 months to organise their travel etc. But on the day, who turned up? JUST ME!!
After Freemasons assassinated Ferdinand, as they admitted at their trial, King George V told Kaiser Wilhelm's brother that Britain would remain neutral in any subsequent war. This encouraged Germany and Russia to mobilise for war, because although Great Britain might not have been the most powerful economic force it still had an extremely powerful military and resources to call on and which was still respected.
But a letter has been found which reinforces this strong theory that Great Britain engineered World War One.
It is a letter that throws fresh light on one of the darkest periods in Britain’s history.
A note which has remained in private hands for a century details a previously undocumented meeting between George V and his Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey, on the eve of the First World War.
The King, mindful of his position as a constitutional monarch, made no public declarations about the situation in Europe in the lead-up to the conflict.
But in the newly-disclosed meeting, the King informed Sir Edward it was "absolutely essential" Britain go to war in order to prevent Germany from achieving “complete domination of this country”.
When Sir Edward said the Cabinet had yet to find a justifiable reason to enter the conflict, the King replied: “You have got to find a reason, Grey.”
[source : Revealed: how King George V demanded Britain enter the First World War, The Daily Telegraph, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/world-war-one/10991582/Revealed-how-King-George-V-demanded-Britain-enter-the-First-World-War.html, 26th July 2014]
So King George tells Germany that Great Britain would stay out of any war, encouraging Germany and Russia to mobilise, but he then tells Sir Edward Grey to get Britain into the war!!
Come on, people of this Disunited Fascist Queendom!
Can't you see who rules you?!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
This first one is for both Israeli and Palestinian, forced into such conflict by the Rothschilds on behalf of the British Royal family.
Born Free
Born free, as free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Born free to follow your heart
Live free and beauty surrounds you
The world still astounds you
Each time you look at a star
Stay free, where no walls divide you
You're free as a roaring tide
So there's no need to hide
Born free and life is worth living
But only worth living
'Cause you're born free
Stay free, where no walls divide you
You're free as a roaring tide
So there's no need to hide
Born free and life is worth living
But only worth living
'Cause you're born free
The Impossible Dream
To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far
To fight for the right Without question or pause
To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause
And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be better for this
That one man scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star
On Days Like These
Questi giorni quando vieni il belle sole
La la la la la-la-la-la la la la la
On days like these when skies are blue and fields are
I look around and think about what might have been
And then I hear sweet music float around my head
As I recall the many things we left unsaid
It's on days like these that I remember
Singing songs and drinking wine
While your eyes played games with mine
On days like these I wonder what became of you
Maybe today you are singing songs with someone new
I'd like to think you're walking by those willow trees
Remembering the love we knew on days like these
It's on days like these that I remember
Singing songs and drinking wine
While your eyes played games with mine
On days like these I wonder what became of you
Maybe today you are singing songs with someone new
Questi giorni quando vieni il belle sole
La la la la la-la-la-la
Friday, July 25, 2014
But such an event was predicted on this blog weeks before. Such an event was required because the Syrian rebels had begun suffering defeat after defeat after the Syrian Arab Army recaptured al Qusair. This prompted Prince Bandar to go to Moscow to personally threaten the "weird, miserable, sinister, lonely" Putin: either dunp Assad or hell would be unleashed in Syria. Putin refused. And so, on 21st August, Bandar unleashed Hell.
But our politicians were baying for Syrian blood. Something must be done! Something must be done!
Fortunately Putin negotiated a deal that Syria would relinquish its stockpile of chemical weapons.
The warmongers did not get their war. They were and still are pretty pissed off. They did 9/11 to take out leaders like Assad, and they have failed and are now shitting their pants. Can't you smell them? I can.
But the warmongers, including The Guardian, cited Responsibility to Protect, or R2P, to push for war on Syria. And they continue to do so.
Yet for the last two weeks Gaza has been pummeled to dust, and rivers of blood run through the streets and on the beaches.
I also predicted this war on Gaza. I had a baaaaaaad feeling about this one. And so far it has been what I feared. And from the current rhetoric from
But where are the calls for R2P Gaza? Not to be heard in The Martsen House.
Instead we can expect more war crimes, more dead children.
Here lies Gaza. RIP.
It could and should be R2P Gaza.
Her mother was a flirty TV presenter who ran off with a rock star heroin addict.
She was privately educated at an independent school which currently charges over £ 16000 per year fees.
She was married to a musician herself.
She did not have it all, but she had a hell of a lot more than most in this extremely unbalanced world.
But she died from a heroin overdose, with her young baby beside her who was left alone for at least 15 hours as she lay dead.
I can't feel sorry for Peaches for that.
But if her heroin came from Afghanistan then can we blame NATO?
The journalist Ben Judah is videoed stating that Putin lives a "weird, miserable, sinister, lonely life".
Here is Judah tweeting about his appearance on CBS.
I went on CBC 'This Morning' show and talked about how Putin leads his daily routine: sad, austere, miserable. http://t.co/iJGnzGnOpJ
— Ben Judah (@b_judah) July 24, 2014
Sadly, Judah does not mention:
1. Putin opposing the NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadis in Syria who slit the throats of defenceless Syrian children and eat the hearts of their prisoners;
2. Putin opposing neo Nazis in Ukraine who chase people into buildings and then set those buildings on fire to burn people inside alive, shoot at those people as they try to jump from 3rd floor windows, and then beat to death those who survive the jump;
3. Putin establishing a positive pro-development rival to the negative World Bank/IMF/Federal Reserve apparatus that has sucked the life out of many nations and kept them underdeveloped.
So who is Ben Judah?
Well, he has co-authored an article with Mikhail Khordokovsky. 'Nuff said.
Particularly in Afghanistan, where our search for bin Laden failed so spectacularly while the opium harvest increased so successfully?
Well, here is a classic example of the psychology of British military leadership:
Col. Richard Kemp, the former commander of all British forces in Afghanistan, is in Israel this week to lend support to the military campaign in Gaza and to take on take on detractors who claim the Israeli army is perpetrating war crimes there.
“No other army in the world has ever done more than Israel is doing now to save the lives of innocent civilians in a combat zone,” Kemp said in an interview with Channel 2 News, adding that when world leaders demand Israel do more, “perhaps Israel should ask what more it can do.”
Having served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Kemp is intimately familiar with exactly the kind of enemy Israel is facing, and the environment in which it is fighting.
[source : British Commander: IDF Most Moral Army World Has Ever Known, Israel Today, http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/24780/Default.aspx, 24th July2014]
"Saving the lives of innocent civilians"?
This coming weekend the death toll in the latest shooting-fish-in-a-barrel war in Gaza will probably exceed 1000, MOST OF WHOM WILL BE CIVILIANS!!
All I can suggest is, do not have an Israeli doctor!
And if you have ever wondered why Gaza resembles The Warsaw Ghetto, the Zionists and the Nazis collaborated before and during World War 2. The Nazis wanted Jews out of Germany, and the Zionists wanted those Jews in Palestine. But in addition, the Zionists only wanted the young and the strong in Palestine. The sick and old could suffer and be used as emotional blackmail later.
These are not my words.
They are the words and actions of Zionists.
And returning to British military leadership, Palestine was under British military leadership until the late 1940's. After WW2 the Zionists were massacring not only Palestinians but also British soldiers. What did the British military leadership do then? NOTHING!! As a result we are now seeing pictures of dead 5 month children of Gaza on our TVs, year after year after year.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
That game has now been advanced to international level, and is now called Ukrainian Roulette. This deadly game involves not a revolver loaded with a single bullet but a BUK system with a single missile.
The rebel commander Aleksandr Khodakovsky was very recently interviewed by Reuters. The interview went viral because it is alleged that Khodakovsky admitted that the rebels had a BUK at the time that MH17 was shot down.
Even Brown Moses, the citizen journalist who is still desperately, desperately trying to pin Ghouta on Assad as he capitalises on his new found fame with a masterclass sponsored by The Guardian, has waded in on this and tweeted the excerpt of the Reuters interview.
Audio of Reuters interview with Donetsk Rebel Commander Aleksandr Khodakovsky admitting they had a Buk http://t.co/JNTtdluTif #MH17
— Brown Moses (@Brown_Moses) July 24, 2014
But even in this excerpt what does Khodakovsky say? He says that he 'heard' about a BUK and only at the time MH17 was shot down, that the BUK may have been moved away, but also that Ukraine knew about this BUK and should have diverted passenger jets away from the area.
What we have to understand is that Khodakovsky will not have been told and therefore does not know everything that the rebels are doing.
But in another interview from the day before the Reuters interview, Khodakovsky states:
“We have completely reliable information from the Ukrainian media that supposedly the Ukrainians knew in advance that the militia had a Buk. We know that the Ukrainians placed in mass media tape recordings of telephone calls of various leaders of the militia formations or other fighters in the militia movement. They discuss the problem of the delivery of the Buk, the presence of a Buk. All of those conversations are dated a day earlier than the tragedy or earlier. So we can say that if the Ukrainians are claim they have reliable evidence, then they had in advance information that the militia’s Buk was a) present with them and b) was located in a combat zone, specifically, the area of Snezhnoye where in their opinion where the shot was made that destroyed such a number of lives.”
...Moreover, unexpectedly, on that day, in the area of Snezhnoye, in the area of Saur-Mogila, Ukraine suddenly activated its air action and planes, which had been absent for several days before that over that zone suddenly actively began to bomb, the Saur-Mogila and the position of the militia.”
[source : Russian-Backed Separatist Leader Khodakovsky Changes His Story to Reuters — or Does He?, The Interpreter, http://www.interpretermag.com/russian-backed-separatist-khodakovsky-changes-his-story-to-reuters-or-does-he/, 24th July 2014]
And then in an interview last night with LifeNews, Khodakovsky denies the rebels had a BUK.
The above article also questions the tense that Khodakovsky used in the Reuters article, implying a possible deliberate mistranslation by Reuters and RFERL.
What Khodakovsky says is this:
1. he heard that a BUK was going to be in the possession of the rebels, and he heard of this at the time MH17 was shot down, not before;
2. that Ukraine knew of this BUK;
3. so Ukraine should have diverted civilian aircraft away from the area;
4. he cannot be sure if the rebels had a BUK at the time that MH17 was shot down because it may have been turned away before the rebels could be trained to use it in order to conceal its presence.
Now, let's add this to the information we have:
1. very suspiciously soon after MH17 came down, Ukraine released a tape said to be of rebels talking about a BUK, but that tape was put together BEFORE MH17 was shot down;
2. Ukraine also pointed out several videos alleging a Russian BUK scurrying back to Russia after shooting MH17 down, but it has since been shown that that BUK was Ukrainian and was filmed in an area controlled by Ukraine;
3. Khodakovsky says that on the day that MH17 was shot down, "Ukraine suddenly activated its air action and planes, which had been absent for several days before that over that zone suddenly actively began to bomb". In other words, Ukraine was bombing the rebels and may have been using civilian aircraft as either cover or to entice the rebels to shoot the civilian aircraft down;
4. Ukraine has still not released the ATC transcripts/recordings from MH17.
So if we add this to the Russian evidence that an unidentified military jet (or bomber?) was close to MH17 when it was shot down, and that MH17 had been told to fly over the area and at a lower than normal altitude, then we can conclude one of two things:
a) assuming the rebels did have a BUK, AND they could use it, then at the very least Ukraine was using MH17 as cover to bomb the rebels, or was enticing the rebels to shoot at their bomber/jet but somehow the BUK evaded the jet/bomber and hit MH17;
b) the rebels had the BUK but did not have the time and/or training to use it, or they did not have the BUK at all, but Ukraine suspecting that the rebels did have a BUK shot MH17 down to blame on the rebels and Putin.
I suspect b).
From the Russia side we have been shown concrete evidence backed up by real time tweets, logic and withholding of ATC transcripts/recordings.
But from the anti-Russia side nothing but claim and implication, and in some cases blatant lies and fabrication.
And what is now sickening about MH17 is that the lack of evidence from the anti-Russia side is being replaced by emotional blackmail: pictures of coffins being slowly carried off planes; people wearing white; women crying. It's all there to provoke demands for hot-headed irrational revenge.
The Guardian headline is about chickens.
Some refer to the opening ceremony of The Commonwealth Games and...oooh...a gay kiss (a sneak attack on Russia).
No more "Putin's Missile".
It's as if MH17 never happened.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Nearly 40 Israelis dead, mostly invading IDF soldiers.
It took this for Ed "I am a Zionist" Miliband to say something.
To give Miliband some credit, he played a significant role in stopping a war on Syria in August last year. But that credit has been used up over this latest engineered war on Gaza. In fact he owes Gaza...BIG TIME!!
And there appears to be no relief. Netanyahu cannot stop now. He has gone too far now and cannot stop until he achieves what he and Lieberman wanted: Gaza defenceless and reoccupied. Anything less and he loses.
And that if that is the case then this latest bloodlust has only just begun.
EXCLUSIVE: Ukraine rebel commander confirms to Reuters fighters had BUK missile system: http://t.co/1LyPK7xmWe pic.twitter.com/AkwzTU0BO0
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) July 23, 2014
I just spoke to Alexander Khodakovsky. Denies all the details in the @ReutersWorld story (http://t.co/Z5Bb57hxK6) Says "misunderstood" Odd
— Gabriel Gatehouse (@ggatehouse) July 23, 2014
Khodakovsky was fired as DNR "security minister" a few days before #MH17 went down. Russia and the rebels could claim it's bad blood.
— max seddon (@maxseddon) July 23, 2014
It is not "odd".
Reuters is owned by the Rothschilds and their network.
Most of the NATO media is.
And if you read what Khodakovsky is quoted as saying, he does not confirm anything, only that he 'heard' something.
And Sky News tonight had 2 aviation experts looking at a photograph of what was said to have been a piece of MH17. Their conclusion from this one piece of evidence was that MH17 was shot down by a BUK.
But who controlled that BUK?
Who had the training to use it?
If the rebels captured one then was it operational? And could they use it?
And why has the Ukraine Govt not released the ATC transcripts? Even after Russia released some of its evidence, provoking NATO to backtrack on their initial claims that it was "Putin's Missile" that shot down MH17?
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
That was reinforced by radar recordings.
Today the US State Dept was asked for its evidence to support their claims that pro-Russia separatists in East Ukraine shot down MH17. Reporters were told it was on social media and the internet.
That's it! That's all they have! Social media! The internet! Oh, and logic.
Let's see. Shortly after MH17 crashed, a video that was on social media, on the internet, was brought to our attention by none other than the Ukraine Ministry of the Interior, alleging that it showed a Russian BUK system in East Ukraine rushing through the dead of night to get back to Russia before it was found to have shot down MH17. But guess what : the video was of a Ukrainian BUK system in an area controlled by the Ukrainian military!
Now THAT is what I call a load of bollocks.
Is that the standard of evidence we are being asked to believe? Social media, the internet and logic?
But to support the Russian view that it was Ukraine who shot down MH17 we have:
1. the real time tweets of a Spanish ATC, whose account has now been closed;
2. Russian radar recordings;
3. CIA analysts telling Consortium News that their photos show a missile was shot by Ukraine.
But in addition, there is the motive.
Why would pro-Russia separatists shoot down a passenger jet? They were beating the Ukraine military, so much so that the Ukraine military and their assistants from the neo Nazi National Guard are causing almost as much damage to civilians as Israel is in Gaza, along with the human rights abuses. So to shoot down a passenger jet to focus media attention on that rather than the barbarity of the Ukraine military is preposterous.
On the other hand, that dastardly Putin has just launched a development bank to threaten the World Bank/IMF apparatus that has sucked the life out of many nations and left those nations in intensive care, and only IMF money can save them from certain death.
But also, as I have pointed out soooooooo many times, Prince Bandar was sent to Moscow last summer to threaten Putin: dump Assad and Russia can operate in the Middle East and sell billions of dollars of weapons to Saudi Arabia; or Bandar would unleash hell on earth in Syria to embarrass Putin into dumping Assad. Putin rejected this lovely, heartwarming offer. On 21st August, hell was unleashed in Syria...
So two major, major reasons for the NATO/Wall Street/City of London Estaboishment to hate and distrust Putin are:
1. Syria
2. BRICS Development bank
So these are also very, very, very good reasons why Ukraine, under orders from their NATO masters, would shoot down a passenger jet and blame it on Putin. Remember, Bandar threatened that he would try to embarrass Putin, and he tried (and failed) with hundreds of dead children.
And not only that, after all these years of stalling and humming and stalling again, the British Government has suddenly decided that, you know what, let's have a public inquiry into the death of that radioactive traitor Alexander Litvinenko who died nearly 8 years ago.
So what does The Little Britisher Craig Murray, former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan (the job we all wanted at school), have to say:
The immediate cause of the MH17 disaster was a missile shot by pro-Russian forces who mistook it for one of the military aircraft they had been regularly shooting down. It is a terrible tragedy – and tragically not unique. There have been several such events in my lifetime, including the USS Vincennes incident and the Soviet downing of a Korean airliner.
...Putin will continue his dangerous expansionist nationalism because it is a self-trapping path for a politician to take; but also he is encouraged that whatever he does, nobody makes any serious moves to stop him. The people on MH17 were killed because of the pusillanimity of Western politicians, financed and guided by the financial elite.
[source : MH17 – Downed by Elite Collusion, Craig Murray, http://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2014/07/mh17-downed-by-elite-collusion/, 22nd July 2014]
Murray wraps his NATO-esque accusations in a swaddling of billionaires, highlighting the number of billionaires in Russia, and freedom of press.
Yes, the freedom of press that NATO use to attack Putin through Navalny and other CIA/NED/Color Revolution cronies?
And as for expansionist nationalism? WHAT THE FUCK IS NATO DOING?!
And why would Putin, and the other BRICS leaders, and their supporters in Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran and elsewhere, risk their lives and reputations by establishing a rival to the World Bank/IMF apparatus run by The Federal Reserve?
For fun?
Or because they, like a growing number of people around the world, are sick and tired of the manipulation by the Federal Reserve and the financial apparatus that has sucked the life out of so many nations and kept them underdeveloped?
Do you think they are not aware of the assassination squads and black propaganda units that will be formed to destroy the BRICS development bank and themselves personally?
MH17 is part of the assassination/black propaganda designed to destroy Putin.
And as for that Litvinenko Public Inquiry? The terms do not allow investigation into MI6, and some of it will be held in secret! So much for public! And this after he died nearly 8 years ago?
This is how The Washington Post describes a particular government today.
But who are they talking about?
Israel, as it murders yet another 600 Palestinians in yet another engineered war? Ph! Are you having a laff?
ISIS? Nope.
The Disunited Fascist Queendom? Nope.
They are in fact referring to...Russia.
Yes, the same Russia that has been opposing the NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadis in Syria, the same Russia that is opposing neo Nazis in Ukraine who chase people into buildings and burn them alive, and the same Russia that last week launched an alternative to the World Bank/IMF apparatus that has sucked the life out of many a sovereign nation state and kept those nations underdeveloped.
This is "the world's newest rogue state", as The Washington Post now refers to Russia.
For decades the world has been at the mercy of the City of London/Wall Street leeches. An alternative is being created by the BRICS, with muted support from Non Aligned Movement. But after BRICS launches a development bank, that City of London/Wall Street cabal now claim that Russia shot down a passenger jet!!
What’s needed is a broad strategy for putting a stop to Mr. Putin’s aggression and, where possible, rolling it back. That begins with sanctions designed to inflict damage on the Russian economy, such as the “sectoral” sanctions Mr. Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel threatened months ago but never deployed. Military measures are also necessary, including rapidly supplying the Ukrainian army with the material it has requested. It’s time to treat Mr. Putin’s Russia as what it has become — a dangerous outlaw regime that needs to be contained.
[source : The West needs a strategy to contain the world’s newest rogue state — Russia, The Washington Post, http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-west-needs-a-strategy-to-contain-the-worlds-newest-rogue-state--russia/2014/07/21/01021db0-10fc-11e4-8936-26932bcfd6ed_story.html?hpid=z3, 21st July 2014]
But now that Putin is not backing down on the BRICS development bank, and is either receiving support or neutrality from many world leaders on the highly suspicious crash of MH17, the British Government has suddenly decided that, after all this time, they do want to use a dead man for political purposes and finally hold a public inquiry into the death of Alexander Litvinenko.
A public inquiry will be held in to the death of poisoned Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko Theresa May, the Home Secretary, will announce on Tuesday.
The Government decision means the formal investigation in to his death will be able to examine whether the Russian state was behind his murder.
The decision is another blow to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a time when he is already under intense international pressure in the wake of the Malaysia airlines atrocity.
Mrs May will tell Parliament that a public inquiry will take over from the inquest in to the death of Mr Litvinenko five months after losing a crucial legal challenge, the Daily Telegraph can disclose.
The Government long resisted calls for an inquiry and insisted that an inquest which was being led by a senior judge was adequate.
[source : Alexander Litvinenko murder: public inquiry to be held, The Daily Telegraph, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/10981586/Alexander-Litvinenko-murder-public-inquiry-to-be-held.html, 21st July 2014]
Monday, July 21, 2014
And it does not look good for NATO politicians, media and proxies blowing civilians to bits in East Ukraine.
MH17 Show & Tell: It's the West's Turn
http://t.co/3QyDK6dig8 Russia lays out evidence on #MH17-world waits for West pic.twitter.com/J1e6qqP2oW
— Tony Cartalucci (@TonyCartalucci) July 21, 2014
Where next? The Pentagon?
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Imagine if the only claim to the UK that this group had was that God had given it to them. How would you feel?
Imagine if that group of people had exceptionally wealthy backers. How would you feel?
Imagine if they attacked and murdered then forced the current inhabitants of the UK, i.e. you, into areas of ever decreasing size? How would you feel?
@georgegalloway Wake up people! pic.twitter.com/F28BavEXJS
— RorShak (@realshakiel) July 20, 2014
Friday, July 18, 2014
Daylight turns to moonlight, and I'm at my best
Praising the way it all works, and gazing upon the rest;
The cool before the warm, the calm after the storm;
I wish to stay forever, letting this be my food
But I'm caught up in a whirlwind and my ever changing moods.
Bitter turns to sugar, some call a passive tune
But the day things turn sweet, for me won't be too soon;
The hush before the silence, the winds after the blast;
I wish we'd move together, this time the bosses sued
But we're caught up in the wilderness and an ever changing mood.
Teardrops turn to children, who've never had the time
To commit the sins they pay for through, another's evil mind;
The love after the hate
The love we leave too late;
I wish we'd wake up one day, and everyone feel moved
But we're caught up in the dailies and an ever changing mood.
Evil turns to statues, and masses form a line
But I know which way I'd run to if the choice was mine;
The past is knowledge, the present our mistake
And the future we always leave too late;
I wish we'd come to our senses and see there is no truth
In those who promote the confusion for this ever changing mood.
Songwriters: WELLER, PAUL JOHN
My Ever Changing Moods lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group
Well, that is what we were told by warmongering scum, who told us that Assad had decided, for whatever reason, to use chemical weapons to kill approaching 2000 of his own people. This is an insult to logic because:
1. if you want your people to turn against you then what better way than to murder 2000 of them?
2. such an act was exactly what the UK, France, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and factions in the USA wanted in order to blow Syria to smithereens;
3. UN inspectors were just down the road;
4. the Syrian Arab Army was easily defeating the rebels with conventional weapons.
But in addition:
1. such an event was predicted on this blog a few weeks before it happened;
2. the rebels needed such an event to provoke a large scale overt military intervention by NATO on their behalf to save their own necks from destruction by the Syrian Arab Army;
3. the rebels had been caught with chemical weapons, had filmed their experiments with chemical weapons, and had also filmed themselves threatening to use chemical weapons to get what they wanted.
And the coup de grace; their sponsor Prince Bandar bin Sultan had personally threatened President Putin of Russia with unleashing hell in Syria if Putin did not dump Assad.
The year 2013 was a year of pressure on Obama. Netanyahu, Erdogan, Cameron, Hollande, and others, all spoke to Obama demanding that he bomb Syria.
But Obama refused.
So they were forced to execute the false flag of 21st August last year, to provoke a response from Obama. And Obama responded...wisely. He did not bomb Syria. Instead Syria relinquished its chemical weapons.
Two days ago a passenger jet was shot down over Ukraine. That same bloodthirsty crowd that shouted that Assad did Ghouta, in the face of the overwhelming evidence and logic that Assad did NOT do Ghouta, are now shouting that Putin shot the plane down personally, that he pulled the trigger and laughed as he did so.
Obama is so far falling their lies, but is as yet not completely under their spell.
Obama must snap out of his trance, want his Nobel Peace Prize back, so he can look his kids in the eyes and say to them, "I saved the world from total destruction, and I did it because I love you."
Remember, the neo-PNACs in the Emergency Committee for Israel virtually declared war on Obama. The wife of one of the founders of PNAC is Victoria Nuland.
Earlier this year on RT, one presenter, Abby Martin, criticised Putin over Ukraine, leading to a second resigning, but we saw the nature of the Ukrainian 'protestors' in Odessa; they burn people alive, shoot at them as they try to jump from third floor windows to escape the flames, and batter to death those who survive the jump. They also paint Nazi swastikas wherever they go.
Just the type to shoot down a passenger jet when they are getting their arses kicked by pro-Russia separatists.
Yet right on cue, to embarrass Putin again, another RT presenter resigns in protest at the 'truth', when so far the evidence against Ukraine shooting down MH17 is much stronger than that against the separatists.
The NATO media and politicians are definitely hiding the fact that the Ukraine Military has the BUK system that it says downed MH17. But in addition there is this:
And follow Webster Tarpley's twitter; the Spanish ATC spoke to Spanish RT about this tweets that indicate the plane was shot down by Ukraine.
I've always had this feeling that RT was infiltrated, and we are seeing that this year, with two opportunities to embarrass Putin both taken. But there aren't that many left now. Most are bona fide.
But, we shall see what we shall see...
Missile downs Malaysia Airlines plane over Ukraine, killing 298; Kiev blames rebels
It says this about the BUK:
U.S. intelligence officials confirmed, but could not identify the origins of, the missile strike that led to the deadliest downing of a civilian passenger plane in recent decades. One Ukrainian government official, however, said the Boeing 777 traveling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur appeared to have been hit by an advanced Russian-made missile system that recently came into the hands of the pro-Moscow separatists waging a bloody uprising in the east.
...In recent months, the rebels have shot down numerous Ukrainian military aircraft using short-range surface-to-air missiles. Experts said such rockets could probably not reach a plane flying at 33,000 feet, as Flight 17 was said to be. But Ukrainian authorities have said the rebels recently obtained Russian-made Buk surface-to-air missiles — a complex system using ground radar to guide a missile to its target and which, experts said, requires expertise and training to operate.
Two mentions of the BUK. In both cases the Ukraine government says the separatists have the system, while not acknowledging that the Ukraine military has the system.
Cover up, anyone?
ps This is the same megaphone of Bilderberg that still publishes Snowden revelations in fake shock horror on its front page, isn't it?
The Guardian is hiding the fact the Ukraine Military has the BUK system, even though it is listed in the arsenal of the Ukraine Ground Forces on Wikipedia!
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Ground_Forces#Rocket_and_Artillery_Troops for details.
Plus several other UK-based NATO media are repeating the statement put out by the Ukraine military that they have no air defence systems in the area.
And those transcripts of the separatist commanders admitting responsibility remind me of the very detailed bio of Lee Harvey Oswald that somehow found its way into a news paper in New Zealand that was read by Colonel Fletcher Prouty just after Oswald allegedly shot JFK.
The separatists were easily kicking Ukraine military butt, inflicting defeat after defeat.
The BRICS Development Bank was launched just a few days ago, provoking more sanctions against Russia.
In order to pin MH17 on Russia and the separatists they need to make sure that the public :
1. does not realise that shoulder-fired missiles cannot reach to 30000ft;
2. is unaware that Ukraine military has BUK while suggesting (not proving) that the separatists have BUK.
Everything else can be made up, like those transcripts.
Who has the BUK?
Who can use it?
This is why the UK NATO media so far is in diversion mode.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
After quasi-accepting a ceasefire that was allegedly to start tomorrow morning, just long enough for all the world's media to report that Israel was seeking peace, it is now being reported that, as I anticipated, Israel is going in. Well, Netanyahu isn't. Neither is Lieberman.
BREAKING NEWS: A large IDF force has just launched a ground operation in the Gaza Strip. A new phase of Operation Protective Edge has begun.
— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) July 17, 2014
And this after Israel slaughtered more
Just what do these people eat and drink?
What is in their water?
What is in their DNA?
What the hell is it?
But further reading behind these headlines shows that Israel has NOT, repeat NOT, agreed to a ceasefire.
How is it possible for the Israeli spokesman to get this so wrong?
Perhaps he didn't.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Protect Israel tonight and for all eternity from the 5 month old children of Gaza, who kick their legs and wave their arms about in such a threatening motion, and coo and laugh with such ferocity and viciousness that they terrify the inhabitants of Tel Aviv.
And Lord, protect Israel tonight and for all eternity from the malnourished dishevelled 8 year old children of Gaza, who chase each other and a football so menacingly that they are as a rampant army of wanton destructive giants.
Heavenly Father.
Hear our prayer.
I believe that all members of the international community should unequivocally support Israel’s right to defend itself.
— PM of Israel (@IsraeliPM) July 16, 2014
The Lonely Devil believes that we should "unequivocally support Israel’s right to defend itself" from children playing football.
He doesn't know where to look. He is ashamed of what happened today, as he is every day.
Playing football?
Trying to have a laugh among the carnage and murder?
The 4 children killed today in an #Israel air strike whilst playing on a #Gaza beach via @kamelhawwash pic.twitter.com/PMC3h7U3Yv
— Julia Macfarlane (@juliamacfarlane) July 16, 2014
Mohammed Baker, 9;
Ahed Baker, 10;
Zakaria Baker, 10;
Mohammed Baker, 11.
Dear Israel,
Please stop murdering innocent men, women, and children in #Gaza.
People with hearts
— Nader | نادر (@BonsaiSky) July 16, 2014
8000 more soldiers have been called up in addition to the 40000 all ready to invade Gaza.
And now Netanyahu the Devil has said something today from which I think he cannot retreat and must see done.
This would also explain why the kidnapping of those 3 Israeli teenagers was so manipulated.
“Israel will continue to act thus until peace and quiet prevail in the country; this is our right,” Netanyahu says. “We must reach a situation in which Gaza is disarmed from weapons and missiles.”
[source : 8,000 more reservists to be called up; 4 children killed in Gaza, The Times of Israel, http://www.timesofisrael.com/day-9-netanyahu-vows-intensified-strikes-after-hamas-rejects-ceasefire, 16th Jult 2014]
Driver says Israeli military hit several graveyards in Gaza last night: "They are even trying to kill the dead."
— Sharif Kouddous (@sharifkouddous) July 16, 2014
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
The Zionists wanted Jews in Palestine.
Who could ask for a more perfect partnership?
The Nazis and the Zionists, skipping hand in hand through the German meadows.
But there was one teeny weeny problem : German Jews didn't want to go to Palestine.
And not just that. The Zionists wanted only the young and the strong. The sick and old could suffer.
Like most of world Jewry, German Jews were quite happy where they were, despite Nazism, Kristallnacht, bribes to transfer to Palestine. So only 10% of German Jews moved to Palestine during the 1930s. The rest stayed in Nazi Germany.
But after Hitler...
And we all should know by now where Hitler came from. Yes, that's right. Wall Street and The City of London. Those cesspits of greed and vice managed by the Rothschilds, with their pals the Warburg, Schiffs, Morgans and Rockefellers.
The new bank will provide money for infrastructure and development projects in BRICS countries, and unlike the IMF or World Bank, each nation has equal say, regardless of GDP size.
[source : BRICS establish $100bn bank and currency reserves to cut out Western dominance, RT, http://rt.com/business/173008-brics-bank-currency-pool/, 15th July 2014]
...“A good number of the injuries seen here are consistent with the use of dense inert metal explosives, or DIME, that we saw during the 2009 attack and also in 2006,” said Gilbert. “The bodies are pretty much destroyed by enormous energy released by the explosives that are shot near them or at them.”
Norwegian doctor confirmed to me that Israel is using weapons in Gaza that slice off limbs & melt bones to charcoal
— Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek) July 15, 2014
The devil engineered this war, at the very least using the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers which was claimed by a splinter of ISIS. But the devil wanted a war so he blamed Hamas. As a result approaching 200 are now dead.
But Israel was losing the PR war.
200 dead, many of them women and children, large international protests, muted support from Obama, but rockets were still falling on Israeli cities, major ones that had not been struck before.
So a quickly arranged ceasefire was 'agreed', without consulting any representative from Gaza.
The IDF claim to have not attacked Gaza for 6 hours. Would you say that was long enough? Particularly if the other side were not involved in the negotiating the ceasefire terms? And thus the other side still believing they were at war?
Gaza is not a sovereign nation state. Gaza is under illegal occupation and blockade. Israel illegally withholds tax receipts. Under international law Israel, as the occupier, has several duties, but is not performing them. So Gaza has a right to retaliate. Israel has no right to complain.
Yet here is what the devil said today BEFORE deciding to ignore the ceasefire:
The prime minister was speaking earlier Tuesday, prior to his decision to order the IDF to resume strikes on terrorist positions in Gaza after at least 47 rockets were fired on Israel. He told Steinmeier that a Hamas rejection of the ceasefire would force Israel to "continue and intensify" its military operations, and that such an eventuality would be a legitimate act of self-defense on Israel's part.
"For this we expect full support from the responsible members of the international community," Netanyahu said, while thanking world leaders "who unequivocally condemned Hamas" for targeting Israeli civilians and "supported Israel's right to self-defense."
[source : Netanyahu: Israel Expects 'Full Support' From World Leaders, INN, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/182938#.U8ViGrH-L1U, 15th July 2014]
Full support?
The casualty count and duration so far are about the same as Operation Pillar of Defense.
But as I said a few days ago, I got a bad feeling on this one.
The devil now expects the 'full support from the responsible members of the international community'.
What does he plan to do now? Full scale invasion to take out Hamas, and perhaps other resistance groups, as demanded by that madman Lieberman?
To media outlets reporting that Hamas rejected a ceasefire it was never consulted on, you're complicit in a set-up https://t.co/AZQdEvwC1S
— Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek) July 15, 2014
Hamas says they were never consulted on ceasefire, yet media reports they rejected it, which Israel is using as a pretext resume the killing
— Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek) July 15, 2014
We have resumed our operation against Hamas in Gaza. Here's why. pic.twitter.com/AkBKT0gCuw
— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) July 15, 2014
He never replied.
The UK media is using this to pin the blame for all deaths on Hamas. Some even use the same headline, which is along the lines of "Israel accepts Egypt ceasefire plan". Hamas claims to have not been consulted. But was Israel? It sounds like it was.
Regarding Israel's quick acceptance:
1. this gives Israel the appearance of peacemaker;
2. if Hamas rejects the offer then Israel can blame all subsequent deaths on Hamas.
But does this also show that Israel has been affected by the international public outrage? Politicians have been either silent on or supportive of Israel's murdering action. But all you need to do to assess public outrage is go onto Twitter and type "Gaza" into the search and read the tweets. I would honestly estimate that about 95% of the tweets were demanding that Israel stop the war on Gaza.
And this is where it now gets tricky for Hamas, because although most tweets were against Israel, very few were in support of Hamas, but there was also a lack of tweets condemning Hamas. This suggests that the world public (that has access to Twitter and is politically active) are against Israel's actions on Gaza but neutral on Hamas, possibly sympathetic to the strength of feeling shown by Hamas but possibly not in favour of their indiscriminate rocketing of Israel (which this war has shown is generally ineffective against Iron Dome).
Hamas has to accept the offer.
But at the same time we must pounce on any Israeli action that breaks the ceasefire.
We know Israel cannot be trusted.
In 2008 there was a ceasefire. The plan was that Hamas would stop firing rockets into Israel, and Israel would lift its already illegal blockade of Gaza. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs website published statistics showing Hamas kept its side of the deal. However, Israel did not lift the blockade. So Hamas smuggled more through tunnels. One day, the day after the 2008 US Presidential election, Israel killed a few Hamas smugglers in a tunnel. Hamas started firing rockets again. And in response Israel executed Operation Cast Lead, killing approximately 1500, and used phosphorous.
That was 2008.
After the ceasefire in late 2012, what happened?
Tthe last time there was a ceasefire, the first three months saw zero rockets but 100+ Israeli attacks. #Gaza #Hamas pic.twitter.com/yOa6uH5dzk
— Ben White (@benabyad) July 15, 2014
Hamas is right. Israel cannot be trusted. But Israel has lost the PR war this time. That is why it has so quickly accepted the ceasefire.
I and most of the world don't want to see any more dead children from Gaza. Only a very sick few in Tel Aviv, Washington DC and London do.
Hamas must accept the ceasefire or face losing the PR war from now on. Surely Hamas can see that their rockets are ineffective against Iron Dome, and that Israel cannot invade Gaza because of the massive outrage their cowardly bombing has provoked so far, or continue that cowardly bombing.
But Israel must also be kept on a very tight leash.
If Obama wants his Nobel peace prize back, now is a great opportunity to bring some kind of peace to the Middle East.
Monday, July 14, 2014
William Hague to resign as foreign secretary in major cabinet reshuffle http://t.co/fRIbwkU1Nr
— Guardian news (@guardiannews) July 14, 2014
And not a second too soon.
I hope that I had some part in his downfall.
The man, along with a lot in the British Government, is a bloody disgrace.
His support for the neo-Nazis in Ukraine should have led to every living British soldier, past and present, storming Whitehall and lynching Hague from the nearest lamp post.
But he also tried to trick us into war on Syria last year, lying and lying and lying.
And as pointed out during the last week of genocide against Gaza, he is a blatant Zionist, expressing no concern for Palestinians until over 100 of them had been blown to bits.
A bloody disgrace.
Good riddance.
There is no way that she, with that massive conflict of interest, should have been appointed.
But what else can you expect from The Conservative Party; fascist, Zionist simpletons who only care about money.
The most densely populated area on Earth.
It is not a country.
It is occupied territory.
But the occupiers are not respecting the legal duties of occupiers.
The occupiers whinge when there is retaliation, and indiscriminately kill women and children in a sickening and outrageous ratio of revenge.
The occupiers get $3 billion a year from the USA alone, and can ignore UN resolutions at will knowing that they have the US Congress either bribed or blackmailed.
The occupiers illegally withhold tax receipts, leading to little social infrastructure in the occupied territories.
The occupiers test and use illegal weapons on the occupied territories.
The occupiers have placed an illegal blockade on the occupied territories, driving the occupied to desperation and smuggling.
This is Gaza.

Sunday, July 13, 2014
After 9/11 he believed the lies of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld enough to sign up to go to Iraq and kill innocent Iraqis.
After working his way up to quite a powerful position in the IT side of intelligence, he had a Road to Damascus moment and decided that he must tell the world what he knew about NSA surveillance.
He ended up collaborating with Glenn Greenwald, who at the time was writing for The Guardian.
Now, I have written multiple times on this blog of my very strong suspicion of The Guardian, that it is the NATO media flag ship because of its appearance to be an intelligent, truthful, caring newspaper when there is plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise. Perhaps the best example of this is the position that The Guardian took following the horrific incident of 21st August last year, when along with the rest of the NATO media, it immediately and consistently accused Assad of killing hundreds of his own civilians with chemical weapons without considering the rebels as the culprits despite an abundance of evidence that the rebels were indeed the culprits, in addition to the ecstasy that The Guardian showed upon the agreement that Syria would relinquish its chemical weapons while Israel's much more powerful, horrific and destructive arsenal of WMDs of all kinds was never mentioned.
The megaphone of Bilderberg, The Washington Post, has also laid claim to breaking The Snowden Revelations.
Well over a year after The Snowden Revelations broke, Greenwald boasts that he is still sitting on NSA bombshells while he finds time to sign lucrative contracts for himself.
And we can still read new revelations on the front pages of the NATO media while the same NATO media does not report on The Clark Revelations, that the wars in North Africa and The Middle East are a conspiracy using 9/11 as the pretext.
So on hearing the news that the UK is to rush through new spying laws, what is Snowden's reaction? Interviewed by The Guardian, Snowden said:
..."It defies belief."
"I mean the NSA could have written this draft," he said. "They passed it under the same sort of emergency justification. They said we would be at risk. They said companies will no longer cooperate with us. We're losing valuable intelligence that puts the nation at risk."
[source : Edward Snowden condemns Britain's emergency surveillance bill, The Guardian, http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/13/edward-snowden-condemns-britain-emergency-surveillance-bill-nsa, 13th July 2014]
So American spying laws have been changed, but what was illegal is now legal and in some cases the spies have more power.
Now it is the same for the UK.
Fact: The only Muslim countries supplying weaponry for the defence of Gaza are Iran and Syria.
— George Galloway (@georgegalloway) July 13, 2014
That Iran and Syria were two of the three nations that Zionist Paul Wolfowitz named to General Wesley Clark in 1991 that had to be 'taken out', and that Iran and Syria were two of the four nations named in A Clean Break in 1996, and that Iran and Syria were named to General Wesley Clark in a plan for totaler krieg on seven nations in five years shortly after 9/11, and that Roland Dumas, who was asked by British officials in 2009 to arrange to smuggle Jihadis into Syria (I assume for the coming CIA Arab Spring), expressed his belief that the wars since 9/11 have all been for the benefit of Israel, is just a coincidence.
Nothing to worry about.
Get back to digesting your Ziopropaganda.
Oh, the footy's on, innit?
What horrors will unfold this war? What horrific weapons will be tested?
Well, it looks like a new weapon is being tested.
Fosse, a department head at a university hospital in Oslo, also says some Palestinian in the besieged enclave have been wounded by a new type of weapon that even doctors with previous experience in war zones do not recognize.
Israel also used depleted-uranium and white phosphorus shells in the besieged region during their previous assaults.
[source : 'Israel drops cancer-inducing bombs on Gazans', PressTV, http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/07/13/371162/israel-drops-cancerinducing-bombs-on-gaza/, 13th July 2014]
This report is in complete contrast to the "We Heart Gaza" message being pushed by Israeli and NATO media, with the video of an Israeli Air Force officer calling off an air strike because he spotted a young boy. It's a pity that none of the other AIF did so.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Faulkner was interviewed by Tony Gosling on Friday, and basically repeated his thesis, that the war was going to happen anyway because of competing empires and militaries.
But is this true?
I would urge you all to watch LPAC's brilliant video entitled 1932
And to read La France Conquise which contains an edited version of an article by Webster Tarpley on King Edward VII.
Basically, Faulkner's thesis is not quite right.
Nations like Germany, Russia and the USA were cooperating, not competing as Faulkner states. They were implementing The American System of Economics of national banking and high tariffs to encourage national economic development. In addition land-based trade routes were being developed by these nations beyond the control of the powerful British Navy. Hence, The brutal slave-loving British Empire was being replaced as the most powerful economic force by cooperating nations like Germany and the USA. Faulkner recognises this but does not provide as precise a reason as this. And hence, Great Britain decided to kick over the chess board, engineer World War One to destroy nation states and create a world government under their control.
So as explained multiple times on this blog:
1. Prince Edward, later King Edward VII, engineered the Triple Entente to bring Great Britain out of 'splendid isolation' to surround Germany in war given the correct circumstances;
2. Edward did this while he was Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England;
3. Freemasonry condemned Ferdinand to death;
4. the assassins of Ferdinand were Freemasons, knew that Freemasonry had condemned Ferdinand to death but had not yet found willing assassins, and that foreign Freemasons gave the assassins the material and encouragement for the assassination;
5. After the assassination King George V told Kaiser Wilhelm that Great Britain would not fight in any war, thus encouraging mobilisation by Germany and Russia;
6. Edward's protege Sir Edward Grey misrepresented Britain's position to multiple parties, showed little concern for Belgium and did not make Britain's position on Belgium absolutely crystal clear. But as soon as Germany invaded Belgium, Great Britain cited The 1839 Treaty of London which it was not legally bound to enforce unilaterally as the casus belli to declare war on Germany;
7. After the war Kaiser Wilhelm wrote in his memoirs that Freemasonry engineered the war to create a power vacuum in Central Europe, which was filled by The League of Nations. The LON was first proposed by Grey. The LoN was the child of Lord Robert Cecil, who proposed Grey's protege Sir James Eric Drummond as the Secretary General. Drummond was private secretary of Balfour when The Balfour Declaration was made to Lord Rothschild.
Now, I recognised the significance of all this and proposed in January, repeat JANUARY!!!, this year that a protest be held outside Freemasons Hall on 28th June.
So come 28th June, who turned up?
Nobody from Stop The War turned up, not even Neil Faulkner.
And this was the 100th anniversary, the centenary of the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand that kicked off World War One, the war that Faulkner wrote a book about which is the official Stop The War history of World War One.
So please forgive me if I have some concern about and suspicion of Stop The War. If they can't get their history of World War One right, and amend it when much more powerful evidence is provided, then what else are they getting wrong?
Well, here's one classic example.
Last year Stop The War allowed themselves to be bullied by the spoiled petulant vain Jeremy Scahill as he threatened to withdraw from the Stop The War conference unless they dumped Mother Agnes Mariam. Scahill had made Dirty Wars, a film about Obama's drone war, which I thought was OK, but that was about it. So why would I think that? BECAUSE THERE IS A MUCH BIGGER AND MORE IMPORTANT SUBJECT TO MAKE A FILM ABOUT: 9/11 and the subsequent plan for totaler krieg on seven nations in five years.
So why didn't Scahill make such a film?
He believes the official 9/11 fairytale, much like Ed Snowden, but unlike Snowden, Scahill did not believe the lies of Cheney and Rumsfeld enough to sign up to go to Iraq to kill innocent Iraqis.
The evidence that The Brutish Empire and Freemasonry engineered World War One is overwhelming. Equally, the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job is overwhelming.
But why would Scahill launch this very personal but very public dirty war of his own against Mother Agnes Mariam?
We don't know.
Mariam was accused by some of being pro-Assad but without evidence. However, a very good defence of Mariam is available on Global Research. Mariam could have exposed the incident at Ghouta as a false flag, an event that I predicted would happen here on this blog weeks before it happened. But for whatever reason, Stop The War allowed themselves to be bullied by Scahill and wasted a fantastic opportunity to expose Ghouta as a false flag.
So what does the NATO media think of Scahill, this alleged traitor to, and pain in the arse of, the establishment who dares to expose the drone war? THEY ABSOLUTELY ADORE HIM! Much like Owen Jones, who supported Scahill in this very bizarre episode. The Guardian and The Independent wrote fawning articles on Scahill in the week before the Stop The War conference. Yet neither of these have exposed the plan for totaler krieg on seven nations in five years as revealed to General Wesley Clark. And Jones has written in The Independent and writes in The Guardian.
And yes, that's the same The Guardian that:
1. immediately and consistently blamed Assad for Ghouta and other atrocities in Syria, when there was ample evidence that the rebels could have done them and stood to benefit from them enormously;
2. jumped for joy when Syria agreed to relinquish its chemical weapons while not mentioning Israel's much more powerful, horrific and destructive arsenal of WMDs.
But if the anti war movement continues to push this it-was-going-to-happen-anyway theory regarding WW1 then we could see a few more wars in the future, because the true culprits of organising WW1 are still at large and living it up in Great Queen Street, London.
...I guess what I am saying in this post is that I think there is something rotten in Stop The War.
The failure of World War 1 to form a world government including the USA led to Wall Street and The City of London engineering World War 2, which resulted in the USA not only joining but also hosting The United Nations, and a host of other world governing institutions.
How can an organisation like Stop The War be so wrong on the true origins of World War 1? And when they know the true origins refuse to recognise them?
And how and why would they allow themselves to be bullied by the 9/11 gatekeeper Jeremy Scahill?
David Icke
Alex Jones
Paul Joseph Watson
Steve Watson
Tony Gosling
Tony Cartalucci
Michel Chossudovsky
A long, long list of people who have some sort of clue about what is going on: not mentioned in the NATO media, and are only mentioned to be ridiculed, and when that occurs it is only for a day or two at the most.
The following have been on the front pages of the megaphone of Bilderberg The Washington Post, and the NATO media flag ship The Guardian for well over a year, singing like a happy little bird about how we are spied on:
Ed Snowden
The following have been assisting Ed Snowden for well over a year, yet still after all that time they are still, according to their own boasts, sitting on NSA bombshells while finding the time to sign lucrative contracts:
Glenn Greenwald
And have you noticed how there is now no paedophilia-in-Whitehall-scandal?
My, my. That all disappeared a bit quick, didn't it?
Ask yourself why.
Ask yourself, why are you not on the front pages of The Washington Post and The Guardian revealing all that you know?
Extremely concerned about humanitarian situation and loss of life in Gaza. Speaking to President Abbas today
— William Hague (@WilliamJHague) July 12, 2014
Friday, July 11, 2014
...it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,
This document was written at a time when nice Great Britain had no control over Palestine, but nice Great Britain had already promised the land and autonomy to the Palestinians if they joined Great Britain against Germany and its allies, such as the Ottomans who ruled Palestine at the time of WW1. Of course, after WW1 Great Britain stabbed the Palestinians in the back not just once, but twice, by allying with the Saud tribe, who with the assistance of nice Great Britain eventually created Saudi Arabia. Since then the Jews v Palestine conflict has been used to attract anyone anti-Zionist to terrorist causes, most if not all of which have been financed or supported in one way or another by Saudi Arabia. And 9/11 is the classic.
So, I ask: Is Israel honouring The Balfour Declaration?
Are the "civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine" being respected?
If not then why the silence from William Jihadi Hague, as Israel bombs over 100 Palestinians to death...AGAIN?
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.
"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour