Tuesday, July 08, 2014


In yet another example of how homosexuality is being pushed, as Dr Richard Day stated would occur, a bakery which refused to bake a cake showing Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street have been threatened with legal action.

This is insane!

This is very similar to the hoteliers who refused to allow a gay couple to stay.

It's their business/livelihood. If they don't want to take the money from a particular customer then it is up to them. It is precisely analagous to the many economic sanctions placed on Iran or Russia or Cuba.

Don't bake a gay cake and you go to jail.

And two weekends ago, I was on my own outside Freemasons Hall to protest their engineering, including by the bisexual King Edward VII, of WW1 and the consequent WW2, when just down the road, Central London was shut down for a celebration of homosexuality and all things not heterosexual.

"Anything goes", Dr Richard Day stated. Anything goes except not being able to refuse custom from homosexuals while we slap sanctions on countries?

Has the whole world gone nuts? (don't answer that)

A Northern Ireland bakery run by devout Christians could face legal action after they refused to make a gay-themed cake depicting Sesame Street couple Bert and Ernie.

Ashers Baking Company published a statement on its website defending its decision to refuse to bake the cake as the slogan above the puppets was in support support gay marriage.

...In its statement, the company's general manager, Daniel McArthur, said: "The directors and myself looked at it and considered it and thought that this order was at odds with our beliefs.

"It certainly was at odds with what the Bible teaches, and on the following Monday we rang the customer to let him know that we couldn't take his order."

McArthur said the company had offered to fully refund the customer, who wanted to have the campaign slogan from the pressure group 'Queerspace' on the cake.

[source : Bert and Ernie gay marriage cake refused by Northern Ireland bakery, The Guardian, http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/jul/08/bert-and-ernie-gay-wedding-cake-northern-ireland-ashers-bakery, 8th July 2014]

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