Tuesday, August 25, 2015


WND has posted an exclusive article about Satanism and abortion, giving some insight into the abortion industry, and the potential reason for why female viagra was developed: to drive women into having more sex; becoming pregnant; then aborting the child.

But is this all in the name of Satan?

All you have to do is look at the USA today: War! War! War!

“I had just turned 14, and they told me there was going to be a sex party in someone’s house and all the males in the coven were going to sleep with this woman,” recalls King, now 47 and a pro-life activist living in Florida.

“And the purpose of the party was to get her pregnant, and then nine months later we were going to be doing an abortion,” he said.

...“As a high wizard, your job was to get your hands bloody while saying a spell, regardless of whether that’s the baby’s blood or the mother’s blood,” he said. “My left hand guided the way, and the right hand had a scalpel. The woman never winced or anything. Both hands were bloody. I participated in 141 abortions. I doubt my actions actually killed any children, but I was still there.”

...“In satanism, killing something or the death of something is the most effective way of getting your spell accomplished,” he said. “As far as trying to get Satan’s approval, to give you something that you want, killing something is the best way to go. Killing something is the ultimate offering to Satan, and if you can kill an unborn, that is his ultimate goal.”

...“The occult believers are the ‘core’ of the pro-abortion movement, just as the born-again Christians are the ‘core’ of the pro-life movement,” she told Life Site News. “I see no harm in striking at its heart, and informing ‘pro-choice’ people (particularly the well-meaning but misguided Christians) of who and what they are truly associating themselves with.”

..."Yes for years. We've interviewed a few people here. It was about 1992 or 93, and we had a girl who came from Missouri and she claimed to be involved in the same sort of thing (that King talks about)," he said. "Women getting pregnant with the intent to kill their babies and women being told they could make themselves holy by offering up their baby as a sacrifice.

"She described situations where they would extract babies and do spells and satanic rituals."

..."It's about the people who work in abortion clinics. We do a lot of undercover stuff, so we do have a lot of contact with these people, and I can tell you a lot of them are screwed up," he said.

"Were they normal and then got involved in the abortion industry and got screwed up, or were they already demented souls and that's why they ended up in the abortion industry? I don't know," he continued. "But this idea that you're going to create a sacrament of abortion is pretty crazy, and you're going to make your baby holy by making him like Jesus, you're pretty screwed up."

[source : Ex-Satanist: Babies ritually aborted for devil, WND, http://www.wnd.com/2015/08/ex-satanist-babies-being-aborted-for-devil, 25th August 2015]/

Two things:
1. I am not Christian, nor am I a follower of any religion, so I am not posting this from a religious point of view, only to express that I believe that other people believe in this stuff, and as a result society is being corrupted into slaughtering thousands of babies of a day in this way, which totally disgusts me;
2. WND is Christian Zionist, heavily biased towards Israel, so do not take this as an endorsement of WND, even though Israel kills far less than the abortionists do.

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