Monday, August 24, 2015


This is the trouble with Twitter.

If someone retweets a tweet is it because they support the sentiment of that tweet, or are anti that tweet, or are retweeting just for interest, or pleasure, or for some other motive?

Perhaps Twitter could add a category for each retweet, or the retweeters be forced to add emoticons...

Anyway, Higgins has retweeted this:


Perhaps Higgins could explain himself.

The author of the original tweet is the website , and the photo comes from this post: Jeremy Corbyn and antisemites

There seems to be some disrespect here because Hezbollah are dying fighting Islamic State!!

Which is ironic because in March 2007 Seymour Hersh predicted that the nastiest international cutthroat Jihadis would be unleashed onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran by the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia!!!!!!!!!!!

It is more than bleedin' obvious that Israel had some part to play in 9/11 and the subsequent wars:
1. A Clean Break was written for Netanyahu in 1996 stating that Israel should 'engage' Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon;
2. 2 years later Zionists formed The Project for a New American Century,and their first action was to write to then POTUS Bill Clinton demanding war on Iraq;
3. 2 years after that, in 2000, PNAC published Rebuilding America's Defenses declaring Iraq and Iran as the greatest threats to US national security,also suggesting that the USA should go on a bloody warmongering rampage but recognising the need for a "new Pearl Harbor" to shock the dumbed down American public int supporting those wars;
4. on 9/11 senior and founding members of PNAC were in control of the US military as it went AWOL, allowing alleged hijacked planes to fly into the WTC and even the freakin' Pentagon!;
5. shortly after 9/11 General Wesley Clark was told of a plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years, those countries being Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, along with Libya, Sudan and Somalia;
6. but by 2007 that plan was moribund so the plan revealed by Hersh has been implemented, which would explain why Israel has such a cosy relationship with the cutthroats, giving them medical assistance, providing air support and bombing Syrian military positions at the drop of a hat.

Anyway, Hezbollah are out in the field fighting Islamic State, while from the safety of his own sofa Higgins accumulates 'evidence' from Youtube to prosecute for war crimes those fighting Islamic State.

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