Wednesday, March 09, 2016


Contrast that with what Ayn Rand thinks about native Americans and Israel:


Man: Miss Rand...?

Rand: Oh, genocide? Eh? I'm not sure - would you excuse me a moment? - my friend here point out to me that I didn't pick up another point of your question because I had to answer at such length -- I was unaware of it. You mean the word "genocide"?

15:30 Rand: American Indians?

Man: Did you mention the Indians in your question also as one of the groups? Okay. Do you want to address yourself to that also?

Rand: Yes, because if you study reliable history and NOT liberal racist newspaper - racism didn't exist in this country UNTIL the liberals brought it up, racism in the sense of self-consciousness and separation above races. Yes, slavery existed - as a very evil instutition. And there certainly was prejudice against some minorities, including the Negros AFTER they were liberated... but those prejudices were dying out under the pressure of free economics because racism in the preducial sense doesn't pay. Then if anyone wants to be a racist, he suffers the workings of the system is against him. Today it is to everyone's advantage to form some kind of ethnic collective. The people who share your viewpoint or from whose philosophy - those catchphrases come - are the ones who are institutionalizing racism today. What about the quotas in employment? What is in education? And I hope to God - and I'm not religious, just to express my feeling - that the Supreme Court will rule against those quotas, but if you can understand the vicious contradiction and injustice of establishing racism by law... was it in favor of a minority or majority -- doesn't matter. It's more offenseive when it's in the name of a minority because it can only be done in order to destroy the majority and the whole country. It can only create MORE racist divisions and backlashes and racist feelings. If you're opposed to racism you should support individualism. You cannot oppose racism on one hand and one collectivism on the other.

17:45 But now to the Indians. I don't even care to discuss that kind of alledged complaints that they have against this country. I do believe, with SERIOUS, scientific reasons, that worst kind of movie that you have probably seen birthed from the Indian viewpoint, as to what they did to the white man. I do not think that they have ANY right to live in a country merely because they were born here and acted and live like savages. Amercans did not conquer that country. Whoever is making sounds there, I think he [unfortunately, gibberish]... he is right, but, please be consistent - you are a racist, if you're objective at least.

18:44 You are there because you believe that ANYTHING can be given to men by his biological birth, or for biological reasons. If you are born in a magnificient country which you don't know what to do with, you believe that's a property right. IT IS NOT. And, since the Indians did not have any property rights. They didn't have the concept of property. They didn't even have a settled societies. They were predominantly nomadic tribes. They were primitive tribal culture, if you want to call it that.

19:20 If so, they didn't have any rights to the land, and there was no reason for anyone to grant them rights which they had not conceived and were not using. It would be wrong to attack any country which does respect, or tribe members that respect, individual rights, because, if they do, you are an aggressive, and you are morally wrong if you attack them!

19:47 But, if a country does not protect rights. If a given tribe is the slave of its own tribal chief, why should you respect the right they do not have? Or any country which has a dictatorship government, the citizens still have individual rights but the country does not have any rights - anyone has the right to invade it - because rights are not recognzied in this country and neither you nor a country nor anyone can have your cake and eat it too.

20:24 In other words, want respect, for the rights of Indians, who incidentally, [indescipherable; inpork?] most case of their tribal history, made agreements with the white man, and then when they get used up, whichever they got through agreement of giving or selling certain territory, then came back and broke the agreements. And attacked white settlements.

20:50 I will go further. Let's suppposed they were all beautifully innocent savages - which they certainly were not - what was it that they were fighting for, if they opposed white men on this continent? It was their wish to continue at/in primitive existence. Their right to keep part of the earth untouched, unused, and not even in property, but just keep everybody out so you will live... practically like an animal, or maybe a few caves above it. ANY white person who brings the element of civilization has the right to take over this country. And it is great that some people did, and discovered here, what they couldn't do anywhere else in the world and what the Indians, if there are any redhead Indians here today, do not believe to this day: in respect for individual rights.

21:56 I am incidentally, in favor of Israel against the Arabs, for the very same reason. There you have the same issue in reverse. Israel is not a good country politically. Some mixed economy... [gibberish] strong socialism. But, why do the Arabs resent them? Because it is a wedge of civilization - an industrial wedge, in part of a country which is totally primitive and nomadic. Israel is being attacked for being civilized. And being a specifically technological society. It's for that very reason that they should be supported. That they are morally right because they represent the progress of man's mind, just like the white settlers represented the progress of the mind, NOT centuries of group stagnation and supersition! They represent the banner of the mind and they were in the right. 23:02 Somethingsea (talk) 21:19, 25 January 2016 (UTC)

[source : Talk:Ayn Rand, Wikiquote,]

Rand believed that the native Americans were savages with no claim to their ancestral lands, that it was the native Americans broke all the agreements with the US Government, and that she supports Israel against the Arabs, asking what is is that the Arabs are complaining about!!

She is obviously a white supremacist imperialist.

So no surprise PJW adores her.

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