Monday, April 04, 2016


Found this on Mossack:
Als Jürgen Mossack in Panama zum erfolgreichen Geschäftsmann avanciert, ist seine Familie längst wieder in Deutschland. Die Eltern kehrten offenbar Anfang der Siebzigerjahre zurück, ebenso seine Schwester und sein Bruder, der inzwischen Honorarkonsul der Republik Panama in Wiesbaden ist. Die Eltern zogen wieder nach München, wo der Vater, Erhard Mossack, direkt nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg von US-Truppen festgesetzt worden war. Mossack, ein Waffen-SS-Mann, der im Krieg als Rottenführer in einem Totenkopf-Regiment gedient hatte, soll eine Liste von NS-Widerstandskämpfern gehabt haben.

[source : Das sind die Panama Papers – Das System – die Recherche – die Daten – die Kooperation – die Entstehung – die Firma – im Mittelpunkt „der Deutsche“ Jürgen Mossack

A Google translation gives:
As Jürgen Mossack promoted in Panama to successful businessman, his family has been back in Germany. The parents apparently returned in the early seventies, as his sister and his brother, who is now Honorary Consul of the Republic of Panama in Wiesbaden. The parents moved back to Munich, where his father, Erhard Mossack was fixed immediately after the Second World War by US forces. Mossack, a Waffen SS man who had served as a foreman in a skull Regiment during the war, should have had a list of Nazi resistance fighters.

So we have:
1. Nazi SS Erhard Mossack was brought to the USA after WW2 as part of the Gehlen network;
2. he is located to Panama and spies for the CIA on Cuba;
3. his son establishes an offshore banking firm in Panama with some pretty high profile clients;
4. someone then 'leaks' a load of information from that banking firm to an organisation sponsored by the likes of George Soros and Ford Foundation;
5. the leaks are used by the NATO media to smear Putin, after Putin had stood by Assad and helped Assad to destroy the NATO/Zionist/Gulf state-sponsored terrorists who the NATO/Zionist/Gulf states had unleashed onto Syria as revealed by Seymour Hersh in The Redirection nearly 4 years BEFORE it happened.

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