Friday, April 01, 2016


An epic, and almost convincing, display of white supremacy:

By 'the west' I assume he means American-European, and not South America. And if so, then why?

PJW addresses some horrific aspects of particular religions and nations. And they are truly horrific, and in one case perverted.

But to then claim that 'the west is the best' because the west allegedly doesn't do those kinds of things?

For example, sucking the penis of a boy who has just been circumcised. Freakishly perverted, yes. But British MPs do that kind of thing for fun!! And are protected by MI5 in return for political favours!!

William Wilberforce drove the movement of the abolition of the slave trade in Great Britain. But who started the Trans-Atlantic slave trade? And who benefitted? White Europeans.

(And if PJW is so proud that it was the west who abolished slavery then what are his feelings towards Alex Jones' ancestors who were colonels and generals in The Confederate Army fighting to defend slavery?)

And what of the genocide of the native Americans: who started it and carried it out? And who benefitted? The white Europeans, who are now what we call 'Americans', who form the basis of 'the west'.

And what of the world wars: who engineered them? who used their 'empires' as cannon fodder? and who benefitted? White Europeans.

And what of the banking crisis: who executed it? who benefitted? White Europeans and Americans.

And what of the 'New World Order' (Bilderberg, CFR, RIIA, Trilateral Commission, Soros, etc)? How many Muslims are members of these organisations (B,CFR,TC, RIIA) and have therefore managed to drive the planet into the terrible state it is in? I would assume none. But who benefits from the global economy? The west.

And the reason why immigrants want to come to Europe or the USA is because of wars that the west has engineered in their nations, or medieval terrorists installed by the west, or corrupt tyrants implementing west-inspired economic models.

The world is the way it is because of 'the west': MI6, CIA, DGSE, Mossad, etc. all commit their intrigue for the mega-corporations and banks, who are not owned or even managed by Muslims.

White culture is war, genocide, fraud and violent revolution, to implement Bilderbergism all across the globe.

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