Saturday, April 09, 2016


World Net Daily, arguably one of the most pro-Zionist media outlets on the internet, has reposted a load of shite about General Robert E Lee written by Bill Federer entitled, This Confederate General Opposed Slavery.

Federer uses just 2 examples of Lee's alleged opposition to slavery:
1. quoting sparingly from a letter that Lee wrote to his wife,
“Slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil in any country. … I think, however, a greater evil to the white than to the black race. … The doctrines and miracles of our Saviour have required nearly two thousand years to convert but a small part of the human race, and even among the Christian nations what gross errors still exist!”
2. at a church service Lee prayed near to a Negro:
A story was reported by Colonel T.L. Broun of Charleston, WV, that two month after the war ended there was a service at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia, June 4, 1865. The congregation was startled when a Negro advanced to the communion table. But then: “General Robert E. Lee arose in his usual dignified and self-possessed manner … and reverently knelt down to partake of the communion, not far from the Negro.”


Regarding point 1., I quoted this letter in full in GENERAL ROBERT E LEE AND SLAVERY, and highlighted the sections in which Lee stated that he thought slavery was a necessity for the Negro, and that he also thought that the Abolitionists were going against God by fighting for the abolition of slavery because he thought that only God could free the slaves and it was not time for that because the Negro had a lot to learn, that the Negro had to suffer to learn. Not only that, I also related how Lee treated the slaves he inherited from his father-in-law, which was badly. The slaves expected to be freed immediately, but Lee held on to them, and even went to court in an attempt to retain 'ownership' but he lost and was forced to release the slaves as agreed as part of his father-in-law's will. He treated those slaves so badly that they would frequently run away, and upon their return Lee would have them beaten. The slaves detested Lee that much that they actually attacked him several times!

And as for point 2., why did Lee not pray next to the Negro, not "not far"? What does "not far from" actually mean anyway? Other side of the church?

And Lee could have stopped the war if he had decided to fight for the Union instead of for the disgusting slave-holding Confederacy.

So, NO! General Rovert E Lee was not opposed to slavery. He fought for it. He sent hundreds of thousands of men into war to fight for it. He kept slaves and had them beaten. He believed it was God who had placed the Negro into servitude to the white Christians, and that only God could decide when to free to the slaves after he had decided that the Negro had suffered and learned enough.


No wonder WND and Infowhores, run by Confederate General Alex Jones, are quite close (except on the ZioChump it seems).

I'm telling y'all: the south is rising again.

And Infowhores is doing its duty in facilitating this rise by allowing neo-Confederates like Thomas DiLorenzo to spew their neo-Confederate bollocks all over the show.

They are also very suspiciously quiet on the intimate relationship between the family of Alex Jones and the disgusting Confederacy (of evil fuckers for whom Jones' family fought).

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