Monday, May 02, 2016


From THE SECRET CONTACTS: ZIONISM AND NAZI GERMANY, 1933-1941 by KLAUS POLKEHN, The Journal of Palestine Studies,Vol-5, No-3-4:

After 1933, the fascists permitted the Zionists to continue with their propaganda. While all the newspapers in Germany were placed directly under the supervision of the Ministry of Propaganda (the newspapers published by the Communists or the Social Democratic Party or the trade unions and other progressive organizations were banned) the Zionist JUdische Rundschau was allowed to appear unhindered.

...The freedom of activity for the Zionists included the publishing of books as well as the newspaper. Until 1938, many publishing houses (among others, the Judische Verlag in Berlin-Charlottenburg and the Schochen-Vcrlag, Berlin) could publish Zionist literature unhindered. Thus there appeared with complete legality in fascist Germany works by Chaim Weizmann, David Ben-Gurion and Arthur Ruppin.

...(For this reason the Haavara agreement is also often called the Hoofien Agreement, an appellation which reduces responsibility for the whole event to the sole personage of Hoofien.) Insofar as Hoofien was involved (an involvement which was probably necessary since it was a matter dealing with concrete agreements over questions of transfer that required the expertise of a professional banker) it is to be assumed that a matter of such importance could not be born of private initiative, and that ii could not be set in motion without the authorization of Zionist institutions. Indeed it can be seen from other publications that the negotiations were handled in Berlin by the then chiefof the political department of the Jewish Agency: Ohaim Arlosoroil.34 Finally, the agreement of 1935 was officially approved by the World Zionist Congress!

...As a result of the agreement reached in Berlin, two companies were established: the Haavara company in Tel Aviv, and a sister company named Paltreu in Berlin. The procedure was carried out in the following manner: the Jewish emigrant paid his money (the minimum sum was around a thousand pounds sterling) into the German account of the Haavara (at the Wassermann Bank in Berlin or at the Warburg Bank in Hamburg).

...In connection with the emigration to Palestine that had been caused by the Haavara agreement, the Zionists established their own Palestine Shipping Company, which bought the German passenger ship "Hohenstein" and renamed it "Tel Aviv." This ship embarked on its first trip from the German port of Brcmcrhaven to Haifa at the beginning of 1935. On this trip, the ship bore on its stern the Hebrew letters of the new name "Tel Aviv/9 while from the mast fluttered the swastika; "a combination of metaphysical absurdity" wrote one of the passengers later.*7 The captain of the ship, Lcidig, was a registered member of the Nazi Party!

...Hitler, as is seen in a memorandum of the Political Trade Department of the Foreign Office, dated January 27, 1938, decided that the Haavara procedure should be continued. 52 This positive stand taken by Hitler vis-a-vis the strengthening of the Zionist colonization of Palestine stayed unchanged in the face of complaints emanating from the Foreign Office and the Auslandorganisaiion of the Nazi Party about the rising hostility of the Palestinians to Germany.

...methods of pressure on the German Jews. They no longer left it up to the Zionist organizations alone to arrange emigration to Palestine. In Vienna (Austria had been occupied by Hitlers Germany in March 1938J, the "Central Office for Jewish Emigration" was established and placed under the charge of Adolf Eichmann. In the early summer of 1938 Eichmann had met another emissary of the Mossad, Bar-Gilead, in Vienna. The latter requested permission to establish training camps for emigrants so that they could be prepared for their work in Palestine. 87 After passing on this request to Berlin, Eichmann granted permission and supplied all the requirements for the establishment of training camps. By the end of 1938, around a thousand youngJews had been trained in these camps.88

In the meantime, Ginsburg in Berlin was able, with the help of the Nazi authorities, to establish similar training camps. Jon and David Kimchc wrote: "The Palestinian [Ginsburg], who had come to Berlin prepared for anything, had no pangs of conscience against supping with the devil and securing his own portion of the meal." 89

In her book Eichmann in Jerusalem, Hannah Arendt commented in reviewing the information of the Kimches:
...these Jews from Palestine spoke a language not totally different from that of Eichmann,.. they had been sent to Europe by the communal settlements in Palestine, and they were not interested in rescue operations — that was not their job. They wanted to .select "suitable material" and their chief enemies... were not those who made life impossible for Jews in the old countries, Germany and Austria, but those who barred access to the new homeland; that enemy was definitely Britain, not Germany... they were probably among the first Jews to talk openly about mutual interests...90

...The German communists called for the setting up of an anti-fascist popular front, but the Zionists were not interested. During the Nineteenth Zionist Congress in Lucerne in 1935 Chaiin Weizmann stated: 'The only dignified answer to all that has been done to the Jews in Germany is a large and a beautiful and a just, home in Eretz Israel - a strong home.'"

And what Polkehn also reports is a devastating proposal from the National Military Organization (Irgun Zvai Leumi) to the Nazis for the creation of a fascist Jewish state in Palestine as an ally of the Nazis!!

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