Monday, May 02, 2016


On this day in 2014, NATO's Nazis burned alive tens of anti-Maidan protestors in the Trades Union Building in Odessa.

It was only suspected then, but it has now been confirmed that the shootings in the Maidan were done by NATO's Nazis. The shootings provoked riots in which government buildings were set ablaze, and Yanukovich fled for his life. Arseny Yatsenyuk was only a minor politician in the Rada, but he was hand-picked by Victoria Nuland (wife of chief Neocon Robert Kagan), to run the resultiong junta after this NATO coup. Yats also ran a foundation that was sponsored by NATO, National Endowment for Democracy, the US Embassy in Kiev and George Soros. Yats packed his junta with NATO's Nazis. Those Nazis and their supporters began to assert their Nazism, not only in Odessa but also in East Ukraine, which rebelled against NATO's Nazism because of their historical ties with Russia. NATO's Nazis killed thousands of civilians in East Ukraine with indiscriminate bombing and shelling, and during the war MH17 was brought down.

Ukraine knew there were BUKs in East Ukraine on 17th July 2014, but did not shut down the air space.


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