Monday, May 09, 2016


This Roy Cohn/child-sex-parties-for-CIA-satanic-cult scandal shines a whole new but dirty light on Team Trump.

Last week I posted MEET TEAM TRUMP.

Four members of Team Trump were analysed: Donald Trump, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort and Alex Jones.

We can now add a fifth: Roy Cohn.

Ah, but Cohn died in 1986, you can say, so he can no longer influence events.

To which I would reply, but Stone and Cohn worked together, and Cohn was Trump's lawyer, mentor, fixer, and greatest friend (until Trump dumped Cohn because Cohn had AIDS).

So meet Team Trump.

Donald J Trump

Donald J Trump claims to be an Infowarrior in the tradition of Alex Jones.

Let's see.

Donald claims to be worth $10 billion, and that he built his business from scratch. This is not true. He inherited at least $20 million but possibly as much as $200 million from his father, who also greased the wheels for Donald when Don began to become independent of his father Fred (this was of course after Fred had 'given' Manhattan to Donald).

As a landlord, Donald appears to have inherited his father's ruthlessness. Fred was prosecuted for racial discrimination in the 1970s, for renting to people not from the ethnic minorities. This was after Fred had been arrested at a rally of the Ku Klux Klan. During disputes with his tenants, Donald would not provide heating or hot water, and also allow rodent infestations. Donald has also used Eminent Domain to kick an old woman out of her house so he could build a parking lot for his clients to park their limousines.

As a businessman, Donald was at one time very close to personal bankruptcy as several businesses collapsed at the same time. But Donald was considered too-big-to-fail by Alan Greenspan and was bailed out. Donald has also used bankruptcy laws several times to protect himself from bankruptcy. Donald refuses to recognise unions and pays his workers significantly less than his competitors and with less benefits.

Donald is an outrageous Zionist. At AIPAC in March, having told the Jewish community that he doesn't need their money, Donald gave a pornographic display of sucking Zionist cock, basically placing the US military at the disposal of Israel against the Palestinians and Iran. Recently Donald restated his love for Israel when he said that he would protect and cherish Israel.

Donald somehow believes that the US military is weak. Yeah! I know! Despite a budget of $600 billion a year, and bases all around the world (except in the nations the USA is currently covertly at war with), according to Donald the US military is weak. He wants to make it bigger, stronger. And after that? He will hire it out! Even to the medieval barbaric Saudi Arabia.

On war, Donald is lyin' Don. He claims that he was opposed to the wars on Iraq and Libya. Yes, he was opposed to them...but only after they had started and did not go so well. When those wars started Lyin' Don was in favour of them. This is very worrying: Lyin' Don is a warmonger who wants to make the US military bigger and stronger. This is what worries me: Lyin' Don is a warmongering Zionist who wants to make the US military bigger and stronger.

Donald still thinks that al Qaeda did 9/11 (it was actually Israel and Saudi Arabia). He thinks Iran is the mischief maker in the Middle East and that the P5+1 deal with Iran was bad and needs ripping up and renegotiating. This will totally destabilise the Middle East, and with Lyin' Don's support for war, and his overt love for Israel and Netanyahu, this could easily lead to yet more wars.

Donald rants and whines about trade deals that allow American jobs to be shipped over seas. One target of his attacks is China. Yet he and his family have used cheap foreign labour for years, in nations like China and Mexico, the two nations he apparently hates and mistrusts the most: he describes Mexicans and rapists, drug dealers and criminals; and recently accused China of raping the USA.

Roger Stone

Dodgy Roger Stone is a globalist enabler.

Stone claims to have got George W Bush into the White House by swinging Florida to Bush in 2000. Once in the White House, Bush surrounded himself with PNAC/Zionists who after 9/11, their “new Pearl Harbor”, drove Bush and America into supporting and/or fighting Israel's wars: against Iraq in 2003; against Lebanon in 2006. The wars continued under Obama: Lyin' Don supported the war against Libya (even though he said he was opposed to the war on Iraq because it would destabilise the region); and current covert war in Syria.

And Dodgy Roger scuttled an investigation by Eliot Spitzer into the corrupt practices of Wall Street just before the financial crisis of 2007/8.

We still feel the effect of Dodgy Roger's meddling to this day: millions of hard working families across the world suffer austerity to bail out the banks; and PNACs wars continue in Syria.

How can it be that such a man is appearing on Infowars to push Trump as the saviour of America?

Paul Manafort

Manafort is Trump's campaign manager, but seems to be on the edge of the American intelligence community, protecting the CIA through PR. Manafort has represented some very nasty pieces of work: the Pakistan ISI; CIA-sponsored Angolan butcher Jonas Savimbi; Saudi Arabia; Mobutu of Zaire (who was brought to power by a CIA/MI6/Belgian-sponsored coup.

Alex Jones

So where do I begin on Alex Jones?

Loveable rogue Alex pushes Libertarian/John Birch Society propaganda as 'the truth'. They hate 'big government'. So they love Andrew Jackson who, they claim, destroyed a corrupt big bank and destroyed the bankers who were fleecing America. This is bullshit!
1. Jackson was part of a British plot to destroy the Second Bank of the United States because it was developing the USA into a rival to the British Empah;
2. Jackson, who apparently hated big government, was one of the largest slaveholders in the country!
3. His Indian Removal Act forced five native American tribes to relocate from their ancestral lands, and in the process 4000 native Americans died (you can't get much more big government than that);
4. Jackson loved slavery that much that he organised a raid on Negro Fort in Spanish Florida to return hundreds of fugitive slaves to their 'rightful owners';
5. when Jackson removed federal funds from the bank the funds were placed in 'pet banks', chosen not for the banking brilliance but for their loyalty to Jackson, who repaid Jackson by issuing loans many more times the value of the federal funds, which fueled a speculation bubble in land, which Jackson burst with his specie circular leading to the 1837 Panic;
6. Jackson did indeed pay off the debt, but all the hard work had been done by Nicholas Biddle whose management of BUS2 is praised by many (indeed Jackson began to regret that he had withdrawn the federal funds but it was by then too late);
7. Jackson gave the Rothschilds their big break by appointing them as agents for the USA in Europe.

Jones also pushes neo-Confederacy, which now claims that the Confederate States of America seceded and went to war over a tariff, as 'the truth'. But the facts are that the primary documents and personnel at the time all state that the Confederate States of America fought to defend negro slavery, with tariffs barely mentioned.

So why would Jones push neo-Confederacy?

Is it because, as he claims, his ancestors were colonels and generals in the Confederate Army, and that that love of 'the cause' has been passed down from generation to generation within the Jones family?

Or is it that, as he claims, half his family are CIA?

Or is it that, during one of the blood-drinking rituals he has attended, a demon entered Jones?

We don't know. Jones will rant and rave about anything and everything. But on his Confederate ties, his CIA family and the blood-drinking rituals, he is suspiciously silent.

Roy Cohn

Although Cohn died in 1986, many still see Cohn's influence on Trump today in Trump's attitude and politics. This qualifies Cohn as a member of Team Trump.

But who was Roy Cohn?

The mainstream and 'alternative' media portray Cohn as an unscrupulous and unlikeable character who at worst persecuted homosexuals with Senator Joe McCarthy even though Cohn was himself a raving homosexual.

But Cohn is being protected.

Cohn organised child sex parties for a CIA satanic cult. The Son of Sam killer, David Berkowitz, attended such parties at Cohn's home. In addition, Cohn also ran homosexual and paedophile entrapment rings for the CIA to obtain blackmail material. Cohn was also the conduit of sleaze to the media from FBI chief J Edgar Hoover whenever Hoover wanted to destroy anyone.

And it was Cohn who enabled Trump to build his first building in New York, the Grand Hyatt. Cohn somehow organised for Trump a 40-year, $400 million tax abatement from New York City to enable Trump to build that hotel even though New York City was faced financial ruin and was close to bankruptcy. And this was around the same time that the aforementioned Son of Sam David Berkowitz, who attended Cohn's child sex parties at Cohn's home, was shooting people dead with his .44 calibre all over New York!

So, this is Team Trump.



Me neither.

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