Saturday, February 23, 2019


One Sunday in July 1997 I woke up to hear someone in the house. I heard them climbing out of one of those samll narrow windows at top and side of the frame, and when I got to that window they had gone but there was fresh blood on the frame where I assume the intruder had grazed their skin quite badly.

The next morning I walked to the bus top to catch the bus to work. Just as I turned a corner I saw a white Ford Transit with its rear doors opened, and a man walking towards me, and his companion sat at the rear staring at me. A second or two before this man was about to reach me a milk float came around the corner and stopped. The man turned round and walked very quickly to the van, which then drove off just as quickly. About 5 or 10 minutes later as I was sat on the bus to work I noticed a car pull up alongside the bus which was then driven very eratically. So I looked to see who the driver was. I recognised him as the son of the local mobster, and instead of keeping his eyes on the road ahead the driver was looking very angrily into the bus for someone. Me? Maybe. There were only 3 people on the bus, including the driver. And this was just 5 or 10 minutes after there was a possible failed attempt to abduct me in a white Ford Transit van early in the morning with nobody but the milkman around.

Several months later on a cold dark winter morning the spooky bus stop incident occured, in which a car stopped right at the bus stop, where the stop was not overlooked but there were a small number of cars driving past. Nobody got out of the car. Nobody got into the car. The two occupants just stared straight ahead and did not talk to each other. This spooked me so I moved away from the stop into a shop doorway about 10m from the stop. Five minutes later and the car was still there, and nobody had got in or out of the car and the two occupants still stared straight ahead and did not talk to each other. It was only as the bus I was waiting for approached that the 2 men said something to each other and prepared to get out of the car quickly. So I ran to the back of the car to stop the bus well before the stop, and boarded the bus. The two men did not look pleased and climbed back into the car.

There were a few other instances of being stalked, but compared to those described above they were minor.

And several months after this spooky bus stop incident the zapping started. Gentle at first, but over the next 3 to 5 years became more and more aggressive and intrusive so that quite often I would not only hear the buzzing/zapping but would also feel the membranes vibrating for several seconds. And quite often would be allowed only a few hours of broken sleep per night.

All of the above really did actually happen.

I survived.

Many others probably didn't.

I then tried to get the banks into court, and very curiously met someone who could have helped me in that, but who refused and didn't even say thanks for the info.

And now there are secret surveillance cameras in my bedroom, and my codes, theses, ideas and even my clothes are being stolen.

This is really happening.

What has the mob/military intelligence network seen in me to do all this to little me?

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