Tuesday, July 09, 2019



"Radical Islam is the NUMBER ONE THREAT TO WESTERN CIVILIZATION LONG TERM, not the Jews and Israel, the only sane people in the region."

Did muslims engineer, finance and prolong WW1 by 2 years so they could be given Palestine?

Did muslims engineer and finance WW2?

Did muslims engineer the attack on the USS Liberty?

Do muslims run the world government apparatus including Bilderberg, CFR, etc?

Did muslims, if any really did take part in any hijacking on 9/11, do 9/11? And by that I mean, did they have control over decision-making? Operational control? Rex can ask his dad Alex all about that coz Alex made a fortune from claiming that all Islamic terror is fake and is run by the intels such as FBI, CIA, MI5, MI6, Mossad, etc. Alex claimed bin Laden was dead long before the war on Afghanistan. It'll all be there in the Infowars archives. I distinctly remember Alex ranting about how the alleged Muslim hijackers were smuggled into the USA and given some flight training to sheep-dip them before they were allowed, like all good muslims, to go to a strip club and get off their heads on cocaine.

Did muslims come up with the plan for war and regime change that was revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11?

And did muslims do the financial crisis of 2007/8?

The answer to all the above is a resounding nope.

For decades Alex Jones made a fortune from claiming that all Islamic terror is run by the intels. MAGA maggot Paul Joseph Watson did too.

Now here is Alex's son claiming the exact opposite!

And guess who retweet each other? Rex and the MAGA maggot.

It's all such a sick, manipulating, money-grabbing perverted farce.

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